タバコ皮内反応と心血管疾患との関係 : 第1報.とくに冠動脈硬化との関係について
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In the present investigation the intracutaneous tests with tobacco extracts(extracted with Hollister-Stier method) were performed in 272 subjects, including 63 patients with coronary artery disease. It was found that 24 of 63 patients with coronary artery disease(38 per cent) had positive skin reactions to tobacco, as contrasted with 10.4 per cent of 173, either non-arteriosclerotic or healthy subjects. The result was found to be statistically significant. (p<0.001) There was no apparent relationship between smoking habits and the positivity to tobacco.Most subjects sensitive to house dust were positive to tobacco also. But, relationship between the arteriosclerotic findings and the skin test positivity was not significant in subjects who showed cross positive reaction. The results indicated that positive tobacco reaction has more close relation to the arteriosclerosis, when nonspecific allergic reaction is omitted out by such as house dust cross positivity. Non-diabetic hypertensive subjects with coronary artery disease revealed lower incidence of positive skin reaction than others, and this is statistically significant."Idiopatic" electrocardiographic abnormalities in young adults showed also high incidence of positive skin reactions to tobacco. In the control group of non-arteriosclerotic patients and normal subjects, the elder persons showed very lower incidence of positive skin reactions to tobacco than the subjects under the age of 40. The authors disclosed that the positive skin reactions to tobacco in young healthy adults is suggestive of the predisposition to atherosclerotic disease.
- 日本アレルギー学会の論文
- 1967-11-30
堀内 淑彦
斉藤 昇
佐藤 典子
北大 真下内科
斉藤 昇
木下 真二
嵩 文彦
木下 真二
佐藤 典子
西田 聖
嵩 文彦
西田 聖
堀内 淑彦
堀内 淑彦
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- 16.IgA-, IgG-rheumatoid Factorの検出(免疫血清I)
- 117)タバコ皮内反応と心血管疾患との関係(第1報) : とくに冠動脈硬化との関係について
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- タバコ皮内反応と心血管疾患との関係 : 第1報.とくに冠動脈硬化との関係について
- 3. リウマチ因子とヒト, ウサギ, ウマγG還元 Subunits 還元との反応性(III免疫化学)(第16回日本アレルギー学会総会)
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