Observation of a Spin-Glass Transition in the S=1 Heisenberg Antiferromagnet Ni(C_2H_8N_2)_2NO_2(ClO_4)
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Dc, linear ac and nonlinear ac susceptibility measurements on a nominally pure single crystal of the S = 1 linear chain Heisenberg antiferromagnet Ni(C_2H_8N_2)_2-NO_2 ClO_4(NENP) show clearly that a spin-glass transition takes place in this sample. A possible origin of this spin-glass freezing is discussed.
- 社団法人日本物理学会の論文
- 1995-10-15
The Institute of Physical and Chemical Research (RIKEN)
The Institute of Physical and Chemical Research (RIKEN)
Department of Physics, Faculty of Science, Chiba University
Yamada Ichihiro
National Institute For Fusion Science
Yamada Isao
Department Of Communications And Integrated Systems Tokyo Institute Of Technology
Sasaki Shinji
Department of Physics, Faculty of Science, Chiba University
Narita Naoyuki
Department of Physics, Faculty of Science, Chiba University
Yosida Taturu
Nakanihon Automotive College
Sasaki Shinji
Department Of Physics Faculty Of Science Chiba University
Narita Naoyuki
Department Of Physics Faculty Of Science Chiba University
Narita N
Chiba Univ. Chiba
Katsumata Koichi
The Institute Of Physical And Chemical Research
Hagiwara Masayuki
The Institute Of Physical And Chemical Research
Yamada Isao
Departmen Of Communications And Integrated Systems Tokyo Institute Of Technology
Department of Anatomy, Keio University School of Medicine
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