YAMADA Ichihiro
National Insitute for Fusion Science
木村 正広
木村 正廣
OHTANI Shunsuke
The University of Electro-Communications
Yamada Ichihiro
National Institute For Fusion Science
Nakamura M
Graduate School Of Science Osaka University
KROK Franciszek
National Institute for Fusion Science
TAWARA Hiroyuki
National Institute for Fusion Science
SAKAUE Hiroyuki
National Institute for Fusion Science
HOSAKA Kazumoto
National Institute for Fusion Science
KIMURA Masahiro
National Institute for Fusion Science
National Institute for Fusion Science
OHTANI Shunsuke
National Institute for Fusion Science
Tolstikhina I
National Institute For Fusion Science
Tawara H
Max Planck Inst. Nuclear Physics Saupfercheckweg Deu
Kimura Masaki
Department Of Applied Physics Faculty Of Engineering Ehime University
Nakamura N
The University Of Electro-communications
National Institute for Fusion Science
National Institute for Fusion Science
Ohtani S
Nagoya Univ. Nagoya Jpn
Ohtani Shunsuke
Institute For Laser Science University Of Electro-communications
Ohtani Shunsuke
Division Of Natural Sciences International Christian University Institute For Laser Science Universi
Shunsuke Ohtani
Cold Trapped Ions Project Icorp Japan Science And Technology Corporation (jst)
木村 正広
Kochi Univ. Technol. Kochi
Obara Satoshi
Photon Factory Institute For Material Structure Science
Tanuma H
Department Of Physics Tokyo Metropolitan University
Ohtani Shunsuke
Cold Trapped Ion Project Japan Science & Technology Cooperation
Kano H
Tokyo Denki Univ.
Hosaka Kazumoto
National Institute Fbr Fusion Science
Tawara Hiroyuki
National Institute Fbr Fusion Science
Nakamura Michio
Nagasaki Univ. Nagasaki Jpn
Kuramoto Hideharu
Cold Trapped Ions Project Icorp Jst
Nakamura N
Nissin Electric Co. Ltd. Kyoto
Ohtani Soichiro
Department Of Physics Faculty Of Science Hokkaido University:electronics Laboratory Nippon Mining Co
Kimura Masakazu
Central Research Laboratories, Nippon Electric Co. Ltd.
TAWARA Hiroyuki
National Instetute for Fusion Science
- Abrupt Flushing of High-Density Core in Internal Diffusion Barrier Plasmas and its Suppression by Plasma Shape Control in LHD
- Achievement of 10 keV Central Electron Temperatures by ECH in LHD
- Characteristics of the Tokyo Electron-Beam Ion Trap
- Storage and Lifetime Measurements of Multiply Charged Ions Produced by Synchrotron Radiation
- 飛行時間型質量分析計のイオン源として用いるイオントラップの開発
- Comparative Study on Effect of Boronization and Titanium Gettering in Compact Helical System Heliotron/Torsatron Device
- 27a-ZL-13 Na励起状態内の衝突誘起緩和過程に対する時間分解測定
- 下肢静脈瘤レーザー治療におけるファイバー先端温度変化について : 810nm半導体レーザーによる実験的検討
- 26p-L-11 ヨウ素多価イオン-アルカリ金属衝突における電子捕獲過程
- 8a-YP-8 多価イオン-アルカリ金属衝突における電子捕獲断面積
- 8a-YP-4 多価イオン-原子分子衝突における電子捕獲断面積
- 21aTE-6 電子捕獲により生ずる励起多価イオンの崩壊過程
- 18pTA-2 高強度イオン源を用いた電子-イオン衝突実験
- 25aRB-12 2段階励起オプトガルバノ分光において観測される見かけの同位体シフト(25aRB 量子エレクトロニクス(量子エレクトロニクス一般),領域1(原子・分子,量子エレクトロニクス,放射線物理))
- Analysis of Resonance Transitions in X-Ray Spectra of Electron Interaction with Highly Charged Iron Ions
- Analysis of Dielectronic Recombination Transitions for Highly Charged Iron Ions
- Study of Electron Capture Collisions of O^+He by Visible Spectroscopy
- A New Versatile Electron-Beam Ion Trap
- Nano-scale surface modification of materials with slow, highly charged ion beams
- 4a-L-10 理研EBIS型イオン源の特性
- 30p-YA-12 高電離イオン-原子衝突の多電子移行断面積に対するスケーリング則
- 30p-YA-11 ヨウ素多価イオン(q=6〜29)-希ガス原子衝突における多電子捕獲過程
- 28p-YR-4 多価イオン-希ガス衝突における多電子移行過程断面積の測定
- 4a-L-3 多価イオンー原子衝突における生成物イオンの崩壊分岐比 II
- 13a-DB-4 多価イオンへの電子移行過程における生成イオンと反跳イオンの同時測定II
- 13a-DB-3 多価イオン-原子衝突における生成物イオンの崩壊分岐比
- 30a-L-12 多価イオンへの電子移行過程における生成イオンと反跳イオンの同時測定(原子・分子)
- 29p-YB-7 イオントラップを用いた色素分子イオンの光解離
- イオントラップを用いたローダミンイオンの準安定励起状態の寿命測定
- 29p-YB-7 イオントラップを用いた色素分子イオンの光解離
- Extension of Improved Particle and Energy Confinement Regime in the Core of LHD Plasma
- 4p-L-8 Eu^+の光電離過程
- 30pPSA-44 液相フォトニックドットの発光特性
- 1017 非線形光学効果によるマイクロ光造形 : II 3 次元マイクロ部品の試作
- 1016 非線形光学効果によるマイクロ光造形 : I 装置開発
- 20aTB-12 イオントラップに捕捉した単一微小液滴の発光特性 III
- 30aZE-9 イオントラップに捕捉した単一微小液滴の発光特性II
- 22pYK-12 イオントラップに捕捉した単一微小液滴の発光特性I
- 25aC-13 イオントラップに捕捉した単一微小液滴の分光特性
- 28p-YE-4 イオントラップ中に蓄積した、色素分子を含む微小液滴の蛍光特性
- Impurity Retention Effect in the Edge Ergodic Layer of the Large Helical Device
- 半導体レーザーの自己混合干渉を使った光計測法の開発
- ナノ精度の非接触粒径測定法の開発
- レーザーによるマイクロ液晶構造体の回転
- 近赤外レーザーによる皮膚外からのリンパ管観測
- マイクロ構造体に対する光回転駆動 (特集 光で動かす)
- Construction of a 100-Hz-Repetition-Rate 28-Channel Thomson Scattering System for the JIPPT-IIU Tokamak
- 29p-G-11 イオントラップに蓄積された微粒子の蛍光測定
- イオントラップを用いたローダミンイオンの準安定励起状態の寿命測定
- Pulsed Evaporative Cooling for Trapped Highly Charged Ions
- Collective Phenomena Induced by Ion Mixtures in a RF Ion Trap
- Measurements of Absolute Cross Sections for Electron-Impact Ionization of Doubly Charged Rare Gas Ions:Ne^,Ar^,Kr^,andXe^
- Electron Impact Ionization of F^+,Ne^+,Cl^+ and Ar^+ Ions
- Electron Impact Ionization of C^+,N^+ and P^+ Ions
- Electron Impact Ionization of O^+,S^+and S^+Ions
- Observation of Selective Electron Capture by Fully Stripped C,N and O Ions from H Atoms
- Electron Impact Single Ionization of Ne^,Ar^,Kr^ and Xe^ Ions
- Translational-Energy Spectroscopy of One-Electron Capture Processes in He^-H_2 and -N_2 Collisions
- Landau-Zener Model Calculations of One-Electron Capture from He Atoms by Highly Stripped Ions at Low Energies
- Measurement of Relative Population between B^(2s) and B^(2p) in Electron Capture Collision of B^ with He
- Polarization Effects in both Emission Spectra and Microscopic Images of Lasing Microdroplets Levitated in an Ion Trap
- 12a-DB-13 Ba^+イオンの4d殻励起による光電離
- 28p-YR-7 O^-He衝突により生成した高励起状態からの可視光の分光測定
- 4a-L-1 多電子移行反応による高励起多価イオンの生成
- 12a-DB-12 放射光実験利用のためのEBISの開発
- High Speed Recording Characteristics of 3-Beam Drive : Drive Technology
- High Speed Recording Characteristics of 3-Beam Drive
- Application of Zeff Profile Analysis Based on Visible Bremsstrahlung Measurement to Different Density Profiles in the LHD
- High-Speed Magneto-Optic Disk Drive with Overwriting and Read-Verifying Functions : Drive Technology
- High-Speed Magneto-Optic Disk Drive with Overwriting and Read-Verifying Functions
- Progress in Impurity-Related Physics Experiments in LHD
- Potential Measurement with the 6-MeV Heavy Ion Beam Probe of LHD
- Structural Transition between HCP and FCC Structures with Considering Configurations of the Position Vectors Defined by Several Common Stacked Model Hamiltonian
- A Theoretical Model for the Several Common Stacked Crystals in Arrangement of the Stacking Sequence of Parallel Atomic Layers in a Simple Crystal Solid
- Electrostatic Potential Measurement by Using 6-MeV Heavy Ion Beam Probe on LHD
- 13a-DB-2 多価イオン分光用イオン源の製作
- 13a-DB-1 多価イオン分光研究計画
- Measuring Electron Temperature in the Tandem Mirror GAMMA 10 Plasma Using a Yttrium-Aluminum-Garnet Thomson Scattering System
- Particle Transport and Fluctuation Characteristics around the Neoclassically Optimized Configuration in LHD
- Improvement of Ion Confinement in Core Electron-Root Confinement (CERC) Plasmas in Large Helical Device
- Configuration Effects on Local Transport in High-Beta LHD Plasmas
- 14p-DC-4 電子捕獲過程における多電子励起状態の生成 : コメント
- 14p-DC-4 電子捕獲過程における多電子励起状態の生成 : コメント
- Development of a Plasma Diagnostics System Using an Impulse Waveform Voltage
- Present Status in the Development of 6 MeV Heavy Ion Beam Probe on LHD
- Effects of Plasma Radiation on the Thomson Scattering Diagnostic Installed on the Large Helical Device
- Assessment of Plasma Performance in a Magnetic Configuration with Reduced Poloidal Coils for a Helical DEMO Reactor FFHR-d1
- Density Regimes of Complete Detachment and Serpens Mode in LHD
- Coaxial Multiple Laser Beam Combiner for the LHD Thomson Scattering System
- Pellet Injection and Internal Diffusion Barrier Formation in Large Helical Device
- Effect of Ellipticity on Thermal Transport in ECH Plasmas in LHD
- Observation of Minor Collapse of Current-Carrying Plasma in LHD
- New Calibration Method of Magnetic Measurements Based on the MHD Equilibrium with the Ergodic Region
- Raman and Rayleigh Calibrations of the LHD YAG Thomson Scattering
- Direct Observation of Inward Electron Flux being Blocked in the Large Helical Device
- Performance Improvement in Real-Time Mapping of Thomson Scattering Data to Flux Coordinates in LHD
- 7aXF-11 単一微小液滴の発光モードにおける色素濃度依存性(原子・分子,領域1)
- Injection and Confinement of a Laser Pulse in an Optical Cavity for Multi-Pass Thomson Scattering Diagnostics in the TST-2 Spherical Tokamak Device