Direct Detection of External Charge in Bacteriorhodospin by X-Ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy
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X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy has been applied for 13-(trifluoromethyl)-bacteriorhodopsin in order to study the electrostatic environment of retinylidenemoiety in bacteriorhodopsin. It has been found that the Fls binding energy of thepigment is about 3.4eV smaller than that of free 13-(trifluoromethyl)retinal.This is the first and direct experimental detection of an external negative chargecharacterizing the optical properties of bacteriorhodopsin. The numerical inter-pretation of the chemical shift suggests that the negative charge is situated about3 A distant from the C.3-methyl group of a retinal molecule.
- 社団法人日本物理学会の論文
- 1984-10-15
MURANO Kentaro
National Institute for Environmental Studies
Tokunaga F
Graduate School Of Science Osaka Univ.
Tokunaga Fumio
Jst-crest Dept. Of Earth And Space Sci. Osaka Univ.
Tokunaga Fumio
Department Of Biology Graduate School Of Science Osaka Univercity:japan Science And Technology Agenc
Takahashi Takashi
Department Of Applied Chemistry Tokyo Institute Of Technology
Takahashi Masae
Department Of Dermatology Kinki University School Of Medicine
Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Kyushu University
Ogawa Haru
Faculty Of Pharmaceutical Sciences Kyushu University
Takahashi Takashi
Department Of Applied Chemistry Graduate School Of Science And Engineering Tokyo Institute Of Techno
Department of Physics,Faculty of Science,Tohoku University
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