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The relationship between photointermeidates of bacteriorhbdopsin (bR) and proton uptake was investigated by a flash photolysis technique. Attention was paid to keep the sample in a light-adapted state and under the same conditions during measurements. The decay of M-intermediate (M), the formation and decay of O-intermediates (O), the recovery of bR and release and the uptake of protons were measured with a purple membrane suspension (pH 7.0, 0.5 M NaCl) at various temperatures. The following reaction scheme for the bR photocycle was deduced from the results. 1) The decay process of M consists of three components (M_<f1>, M_<f2> and M_s). 2) O is formed from the faster component of M (M_<f1>). 3) A part of M (M_<f2> and M_s) decays directly to bR without passing through O. 4) The uptake of protons is coupled with the decay of the slowest M (M_s). The above reaction scheme was confirmed by the results obtained from similar experiments using an analog pigment of bR, Np-bR, M of which decays much more slowly than that in native bR system.Purple membraneProton pumpPhotocycleIntermediateReacition pathwayTemperature dependence
- 1991-01-31
Iwasa Tastuo
Devision Of Science For Composite Functions Muroran Institute Of Technology:department Of Materials
Iwasa Tatsuo
Muroran Institute of Technology
Nakajima Kazuhiro
Department Of Physics The University Of Tokyo
Iwasa Tatsuo
Department Of Materials Science And Engineering Muroran Institute Of Technology
Iwasa Tatsuo
Division Of Science For Composite Functions Graduate School Of Muroran Institute Of Technology
Iwasa Tatsuo
Division Of Science For Composite Functions Muroran Institute Of Technology Muroran Japan 'coll
Iwasa Tatsuo
Dept. Of Mat. Sci. And Eng. Muroran It
Iwasa Tatsuo
Dept.of Materials Science And Engineering Muroran Institute Of Technology
Iwasa Tatsuo
Department Of Physics Faculty Of Science Tohoku University:(present Addresses)department Of Life Sci
Iwasa Tatsuo
Department Of Material Science And Engineering Muroran Institute Of Technology
Takao Masashi
Department Of Physics Faculty Of Science Tohoku University:(present Addresses)department Of Bioscien
Takao Masashi
Department Of Molecular Genetics Research Institute Of Development Aging And Cancer Tohoku Universit
Tokunaga Fumio
Department Of Physics Faculty Of Science Tohoku University
Tokunaga Fumio
Department Of Biology Graduate School Of Science Osaka Univercity:japan Science And Technology Agenc
岩佐 達郎
Division Of Science For Composite Functions Muroran Institute Of Technology Muroran Japan 'coll
Nakajima Kazuhiro
Department Of Biophysics Kyoto University Graduate School Of Science
Nakajima Kazuhiro
Department Of Physics Faculty Of Science Tohoku University
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