Nonlinear Hydromagnetic Solitary Waves in a Collision-Free Plasma with Isothermal Electron Pressure
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Nonlinear hydromagnetic solitary waves propagating in a collision-free plasma of cold ions and isothermal electrons are investigated on the basis of hydrodynamical transport equations. Both cases of wave propagation along and across a magnetic field are studied in detail. In the parallel case, two types of solitary wave are found. The first type is an ordinary one which reduces to the zero-pressure wave in the cold limit and the other is a particular one which has no counterpart in the cold plasma. In the transverse case, only one type of solitary wave similar to that in the cold plasma is found. The effect of electron pressure shortens the relative widths of the waves in the parallel case (for the first type) while widens those in the transverse case. Magneto-ion-dynamics is formulated for the plasma under consideration, where the relation between the two-fluid model and the one-fluid magneto-hydrodynamics is established.
- 社団法人日本物理学会の論文
- 1967-11-05
Taniuti Tosiya
Department Of Physics Faculty Of Science Nagoya University
Taniuti Tosiya
Department Of Engineering Natural Science-mathematics Chubu University
KAKUTANI Tsunehiko
Department of Mechanical Engineering,Faculty of Engineering Science,Osaka University
Research Institute for Mathematical Sciences, University of Kyoto
Kakutani Tsunehiko
Department Of Engineering Mathematics University Of Newcastle Upon Tyne:(present Address) Department
Kakutani Tsunehiko
Department Of Physics Faculty Of Science University Of Kyoto:sakkokai Foundation Fellowship
Kawahara Takuji
Research Institute For Mathematical Sciences Kyoto University
Kawahara Takuji
Research Institute For Mathematical Sciences University Of Kyoto
- Solitary and Shock Structures Induced by Poloidal Flow in Tokamaks
- Dynamics of Two-Dimensional Solitary Vortices in a Low-β Plasma with Convective Motion
- Two-Dimensional Stationary Soliton in a Steady Hydromagnetic Flow
- Nonlinear Responses of Dispersive Media.II.A Stability of Stationary Solutions to the KdV Equation with a Sinusoidal Force
- Hole Equilibria in a Quasi-Cold Plasma
- Weak Thermonuclear Reaction Wave in High-Density Plasma
- Deflagration Waves in Laser Compression. I
- Higher Order Approximation in the Reductive Perturbation Method. III. : The Weakly Dissipative System
- Plasma Flow and a Soliton in a Theta Pinch
- Solitons in a Convective Motion of a Low-β Plasma. II
- Solitons in a Convective Motion of a Low-β Plasma
- Nonlinear Wave Modulation in a Magnetized Collisionless Plasma
- Higher Order Approximation in the Reductive Perturbation Method.I.The Weakly Dispersive System
- Edge-Layer Theory for Shallow-Water Waves over a Step-Reflection and Transmission of a Soliton
- Nonlinear Surface Alfven Wave with Magnetic Island
- Note on Obliquely Propagating Nonlinear Alfven Wave
- A Gaussian Solution for Drift Wave Turbulence and for Rossby Wave Turbulence
- Stationary Spectrum of Pseudo-Three-Dimensional Electrostatic Turbulence in Magnetized Plasmas
- Nonlinear Hydromagnetic Solitary Waves in a Collision-Free Plasma with Isothermal Electron Pressure
- Envelope Shock Waves in Interactions of Plasma Waves of Random Phase
- A Model of the Dispersive Non-Linear Equation. II
- Solitary and Shock Waves on a Coupled Transmission Line
- Weak Ion-Acoustic Shock Waves
- A Successive Approximation for Turbulence in the Burgers Model Fluid
- Nonlinear Interaction between Short and Long Capillary-Gravity Waves
- Weak Nonllinear Magneto-Acoustic Waves in a Cold Plasma in the Presence of Effective Electron-Ion Collisions
- Oscillatory Solitary Waves in Dispersive Media
- Oblique Nonlinear Hydromagnetic Waves in a Collision-Free Plasma with Isothermal Electron Pressure
- Derivative-Expansion Method for Nonlinear Waves on a Liquid Layer of Slowly Varying Depth
- Nonlinear Self-Modulation of Capillary-Gravity Waves on Liquid Layer
- The Derivative-Expansion Method and Nonlinear Dispersive Waves
- A Resonant Far Fields and Amplitude Oscillations (Part IV. Applications to the Vlasov Plasma)
- Propagation of Drift Waves of Small but Finite Amplitude
- An Asymptotic Method for the Vlasov Equation
- Propagation of Solitary Pulses in Interactions of Plasma Waves
- A Note on the Reductive Perturbation Method
- Modulation Instability of Electron Plasma Wave
- Solitary and E-Shock Waves in a Resonant System between Long and Short Waves
- Nonlinear Wave Modulation with Account of the Nonlinear Landau Damping
- Note on the Unstable Nonlinear Schrodinger Equation
- Solitary Waves on a Two-Layer Fluid
- Nonlinear Modulation of Stationary Water Waves
- Axially Symmetric Stagnation-point Flow of an Electrically Conducting Fluid under Transverse Magnetic Field
- Second Order K-dV Soliton on a Nonlinear Transmission Line
- Two-dimensional Stokes Flow of an Electrically Conducting Fluid in a Uniform Magnetic Field
- Hydromagnetic Flow due to a Rotating Disk
- Effect of Transverse Magnetic Field on the Flow due to an Oscillating Flat Plate
- Nonlinear Wave Interactions on a Discrete Transmission Line
- Trapping of K-dV Solitons in Sinusoidally Nonuniform Media with Weak Dissipation
- Effect of Transverse Magnetic Field on the Flow due to an Oscillating Flat Plate, II.
- Solitary Waves on a Two-Layer Fluid (Theory of Nonlinear Waves)
- Reflection and Transmission of a Shallow-Water Soliton over a Barrier
- Note on Higher Order Terms in Reductive Perturbation Theory
- Envelope Shock Waves in Interactions of Longitudinal Plasma Waves of Random Phase
- Nonlinear Responses of Dispersive Media
- Reductive Perturbation Method for Nonlinear Wave Propagation in Inhomogeneous Media. II
- Reductive Perturbation Method for Nonlinea Wave Propagatio in Inhomogeneous Media. I
- Fast and Slow Mode Solitons on a Coupled Transmission Line
- Asymptotic Behaviour of a Negative Rectangular Pulse on a Nonlinear LC Ladder Line
- Non-Linear Hydromagnetic Waves Propagating along a Magnetic Field in a Cold Collision-Free Plasma
- Reductive Perturbation Method in Nonlinear Wave Propagation : II. Application to Hydromagnetic Waves in Cold Plasma
- The Hydromagnetic Stability of the Modified Plane Couette Flow in the Presence of a Transverse Magnetic Field
- Effect of an Uneven Bottom on Gravity Waves
- Weak Non-Linear Hydromagnetic Waves in a Cold Collision-Free Plasma
- B Ion-Acoustic Solitary Waves with Effects of Resonant Particles (Part IV. Applications to the Vlasov Plasma)
- Reductive Perturbation Method in Nonlinear Wave Propagation. I
- A Plasma Waves in the Long Wave Approximation (Part III. Applications to the Collisionless Plasma in Fluid Model)
- Nolilinear Collisional Drift-Waves near the Neutral Stable Point
- Hydromagnetic Plane Steady Flow in Compressible Ionized Gases
- On the Wave Propagation in the Non-Linear Fields
- On the Theories of Higher Derivative and Non-Local Couplings, II
- On the Heisenberg's Non-linear Meson Equation
- Nonlinear Collisional Drift Waves and Ion-Acoustic Waves Propagating in a Magnetic Field with Shear
- Reductive Perturbation Method and Far Fields of Wave Equations (Part I. General Theory)
- An Example of Isentropic Steady Flow in the Magnetohydrodynamics
- Electron-Acoustic Mode in a Plasma of Two-Temperature Electrons
- Marginal State of Modulational Instability : Note on Benjamin-Feir Instability
- Reductive Perturbation Method for Wave-Modulation in Multi-Dimensional Space
- An Asymptotic Method for the Vlasov Equation. II
- A Model Equation for a Nonlinear Collisional Drift Wave in a Magnetic Field with Shear
- Nonlinear Ion Acoustic Waves with Landau Damping
- An Example of the Non-Adiabatic Motion of a Charged Particle in an External Magnetic Field
- On Wave Propagation in Non-Linear Fields
- A Note on the Modified Zero-Fourth-Order Cumulant Approximation
- Weak Nonlinear Magneto-Acoustic Waves in an Inhomogeneous Plasma
- Note on 'Non-Linear Hydromagnetic Waves Propagating along a Magnetic Field in a Cold Collision-Free Plasma'
- On the Propagation of the Hydromagnetic Waves in Compressible Ionized Fluid
- On the Theories of Higher Derivative and Non-Local Couplings, I
- Nonlinear Ion-Acoustic Waves with Ion Landau Damping