Nonlinear Responses of Dispersive Media
- 論文の詳細を見る
It is theoretically shown that a new type of dispersive nonlinear waves can be ex-cited by weak external effects with a system-length scale. The excitations are possibleunder resonance conditions. The Ton-acoustic wave is used as an example.
- 社団法人日本物理学会の論文
- 1987-04-15
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- Nonlinear Responses of Dispersive Media.II.A Stability of Stationary Solutions to the KdV Equation with a Sinusoidal Force
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- Weak Thermonuclear Reaction Wave in High-Density Plasma
- Deflagration Waves in Laser Compression. I
- Higher Order Approximation in the Reductive Perturbation Method. III. : The Weakly Dissipative System
- Plasma Flow and a Soliton in a Theta Pinch
- Solitons in a Convective Motion of a Low-β Plasma. II
- Solitons in a Convective Motion of a Low-β Plasma
- Nonlinear Wave Modulation in a Magnetized Collisionless Plasma
- Higher Order Approximation in the Reductive Perturbation Method.I.The Weakly Dispersive System
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- A Model of the Dispersive Non-Linear Equation. II
- A Resonant Far Fields and Amplitude Oscillations (Part IV. Applications to the Vlasov Plasma)
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- An Asymptotic Method for the Vlasov Equation
- Propagation of Solitary Pulses in Interactions of Plasma Waves
- A Note on the Reductive Perturbation Method
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- Nonlinear Responses of Dispersive Media
- Reductive Perturbation Method for Nonlinear Wave Propagation in Inhomogeneous Media. II
- Reductive Perturbation Method for Nonlinea Wave Propagatio in Inhomogeneous Media. I
- Reductive Perturbation Method in Nonlinear Wave Propagation : II. Application to Hydromagnetic Waves in Cold Plasma
- B Ion-Acoustic Solitary Waves with Effects of Resonant Particles (Part IV. Applications to the Vlasov Plasma)
- Reductive Perturbation Method in Nonlinear Wave Propagation. I
- Nolilinear Collisional Drift-Waves near the Neutral Stable Point
- Hydromagnetic Plane Steady Flow in Compressible Ionized Gases
- On the Wave Propagation in the Non-Linear Fields
- On the Theories of Higher Derivative and Non-Local Couplings, II
- On the Heisenberg's Non-linear Meson Equation
- Nonlinear Collisional Drift Waves and Ion-Acoustic Waves Propagating in a Magnetic Field with Shear
- Reductive Perturbation Method and Far Fields of Wave Equations (Part I. General Theory)
- An Example of Isentropic Steady Flow in the Magnetohydrodynamics
- Electron-Acoustic Mode in a Plasma of Two-Temperature Electrons
- Reductive Perturbation Method for Wave-Modulation in Multi-Dimensional Space
- An Asymptotic Method for the Vlasov Equation. II
- A Model Equation for a Nonlinear Collisional Drift Wave in a Magnetic Field with Shear
- Nonlinear Ion Acoustic Waves with Landau Damping
- An Example of the Non-Adiabatic Motion of a Charged Particle in an External Magnetic Field
- On Wave Propagation in Non-Linear Fields
- A Note on the Modified Zero-Fourth-Order Cumulant Approximation
- On the Propagation of the Hydromagnetic Waves in Compressible Ionized Fluid
- On the Theories of Higher Derivative and Non-Local Couplings, I
- Nonlinear Ion-Acoustic Waves with Ion Landau Damping