Photoneutron Cross Sections for Ag^<107>, Mo^<92> and Zr^<90>
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Photoneutron cross sections and the yield curves were taken by the residual activity method for Ag^<107>, Mo^<92> and Zr^<90>. Threshold energy were obtained as 9.35±0.1MeV, 9.15±0.1MeV, 12.38±0.1MeV and 12.3±0.1Mev for Ag^<107,109>, Mo^<92> and Zr^<90> respectively. The energy for the maximum cross section was obtained as 14.5MeV for Ag^<107>, 16.5MeV for Mo^<92> and 17MeV for Zr^<90>. The giant resonance widths were measured about 5.3MeV, 2.7MeV and 2.9MeV respectively. Intrinsic quadrupole moment determined from above data was (1.9±0.7) × 10^<-24>cm^2 for Ag^<107>.
- 社団法人日本物理学会の論文
- 1959-12-05
SATO Kazuo
Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Nihon University school of Medicine
Department of Physics, Tohoku University
KIMURA Motoharu
Department of Physics, Tohoku University
Department of Physics,Tohoku University
Kimura Motoharu
Department Of Physics Faculty Of Science Tohoku University
Mutsuro Naosi
Department Of Physics Tohoku University
Mutsuro Naoshi
Department Of Physic Tohoku University
Ohnuki Yuji
Department Of Physics Faculty Of Science Tohoku University
Sato Kazuo
Department Of Micro-nano System Engineering Nagoya University
Sato Kazuo
Department Of Mechanical Engineering Ii Shibaura Institute Of Technology
Kimura Motoharu
Department Of Chemistry Graduate School Of Science Osaka University
SATO Kazuo
Department of Physics, Tohoku University
Sato Kazuo
Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science, Yamagata University
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