On the Temperature Effects of Spurious Counts in Geiger-Muller Counters
- 論文の詳細を見る
The temperature effect on the rate of spurious discharges in G. M. counters (hard glass sealed-off type with out-gassed cathode of 2 cm 〓×5 cm) was observed when they were heated and cooled at constant rates. As shown in Fig. 2-9, on the heating stage, the rate of natural counts increased in various manners which depended on the filling gases and on the cathode material, and decreased rapidly on the cooling stage without exception. It was verified that these discharges were due to the so-called. "Spontanentladung" of Trost and the occurrence of the double or triple discharges (Nachentladung) was very small. The plateau curves were taken with gamma ray source and also without any source before and after each experiment, and we could not find marked changes in them, though those. with natural counts became generally better after cooled. The plateau lengths were generally between 100 to 500v, with . the, slopes of 0.6% to 10%/100v. The counts decreased exponentially with the square root of time when the counter was kept at constant temperature near 100℃ after raised to, that point. Tentative explanation can be made along the lines bf so-called Malter effect of the thin oxide film of the cathode. But we can not neglect the effect of adsorption and evaporation of the quenching gas molecules and also the negative ions at the cathode surfaces.
- 社団法人日本物理学会の論文
- 1951-06-25
KIMURA Motoharu
Department of Physics, Tohoku University
Kimura Motoharu
Department Of Physics Faculty Of Science Tohoku University
Kimura Motoharu
Department Of Physics Tohoku University
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- On the Temperature Effects of Spurious Counts in Geiger-Muller Counters