Oblique Antiferromagnetism. I. A Phenomenological Approach
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A simple but useful phenomenological approach to the magnetism of a rar.dom1ymixed antiferromagmaet B. ...C..., in which a weak axial anisotropy of B-ions and astrong axial anisotropy of C-ions compete each other below a terminal concentrationx, (<< 1), is proposecl. This approach is based on a two-sublattice model includingangular variation of the sublattice magnetizations. 'l'he angular variation is inducedby the local disarray of spin alignment atad gives rise to the fourth-order anisotropyterms in the free energy. From this model, the concentration vs. external magneticfield (x-H ) phase diagram for the random mixture is derived, which consists of fourphases, namely, the paramagnetic phase, the antiferromagnetic phase, the field induced intermediate (or oblique antiferromagnetic:0AF) phase, and the spin flopphase. The magnetic resonance frequencies and the magnetization process are alsoderived.
- 社団法人日本物理学会の論文
- 1992-06-15
NAGATA Kazukiyo
Department of Physics, Faculty of Engineering, Kanagawa University
Advanced Research Laboratory,Hitachi Ltd.
Igarashi Masukazu
Advanced Research Laboratory Hitachi Ltd.
Nagata Kazukiyo
Department Of Physics College Of Science Tokyo Institute Of Technology
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