Pulsed High Current Heating of a Microwave Plasma at Atmospheric Pressure
- 論文の詳細を見る
A plasma heating is investigated in an atmospheric hyd?'ogen and/or heliumgas mixture, by the superposition of a pulsed high current on a long plasma beamproduced by a high power CW microwave energy. An efficient ionization and Jouleheating are achieved and the plasma of 7'=5.5 x 10' K and v,=t.s x 10" cm 'is obtained in Hel-40'3H. gas mixture. About 20% of the input energy to thedischarge is dissipated to increase the thermal energy of the plasma. Stabilizingeffect of MHD instability by an admixture of a heavy gas is clarified and the cor-relation between the instability growth and the heating efficiency is demonstrated.
- 社団法人日本物理学会の論文
- 1978-05-15
Arata Y
Osaka Univ. Osaka Jpn
Yoshioka Yasuo
Osaka University
ARATA Yoshiaki
Welding Research Institute of Osaka Univ.,
Welding Research Institute of Osaka Univ.,
Welding Research Institute of Osaka Univ.,
Welding Research Institute of Osaka Univ.,
Miyake Shoji
Welding Research Institute Of Osaka Univ.
Arata Yoshiaki
Welding Research Institute Osaka University
Ushio Masao
Welding Research Institute Of Osaka Univ.
Ushio Masao
Welding And Bonding Research Institute Osaka University
Arata Yoshiaki
Welding Department Faculty Of Engineering Osaka University
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