Optical Absorption Studies on CdI_2 Crystals in the Region near the Absorption Edge
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Optical absorption measurements were made on single crystals of Cdl, in theregion near the absorption edge. The intrinsic absorption edge of Cdl. is dominatedby the well-defined structures due to indirect excitonic absorption below 30 K. Withraising the temperature, these structures are smeared out into an exponential absorp-Lion tail with relatively large steepness. Another exponential component with smallsteepness appears on the low energy side above 100 K and grows up to surpass theformer above 130 K. Absorption measurements were also made on very thin crystals.A prominent peak and a shoulder were found at 3.693 and 3.80 eV. The smallsteepness component is considered as the low energy tail of the 3.693 eV absorptionband. Discussions are made on the excitonic states responsible for these absorptionstructures and tails as well as on the exciton relaxation in the Cdl. crystal.
- 社団法人日本物理学会の論文
- 1987-03-15
Matsumoto Hiroaki
Departments of Cardiology, Osaka Medical Center for Cancer and Cardiovascular Diseases
Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Fukui University
Matsumoto Hiroaki
Department Of Cardiology Osaka Medical Center For Cancer And Cardiovascular Diseases
Nakagawa H
Department Of Electronics Faculty Of Engineering Fukui University
HAYASHI Tetsusuke
College of General Education,Kyoto University
YAMADA Takanobu
Department of Electronics,Faculty of Engineering,Fukui University
Nakagawa Hideyuki
Department Of Anesthesiology Saitama International Medical Center Saitama Medical University
Yamada Takanobu
Department Of Electronics Faculty Of Engineering Fukui University
Hayashi Tetsusuke
Colledge Of General Education Kyoto University
Matsumoto Hiroaki
Department Of Applied Chemistry Graduate School Of Engineering Osaka Prefecture University
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