Partial Structural Functions of Molten AgBr Estimated from the Anomalous X-Ray Scattering Data Coupled with Neutron Diffraction
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Tlae three partial strtrcttrral ftrnctiot'us of tnolteuu AgBr laave beeta detertaairaed by trsing a COIIIbination of the anomalotrs X-ray scattering (AXS) data and conventioraal neutron diffractionresult, This data processing includes tlue help of tlae reverse IVIonte Carlo (RIVIC) sirntrlationtechniqtte. Tlae partial strtrcture factor of' 0A.A.((2) in rnoltetu AgBr xvas rather broad tlaaua thatf'ound in uaaolteuu alkali halides strch as RbBr. The restrltant strtrctural parameters strggest tlaattlae strtucttrre of naoJten AgBr is qtmite likely described by disordered close packirag of Br ionswhere Ag ions are distribtrted in both octahedral ?tnd tetrahedral holes.
- 社団法人日本物理学会の論文
- 1999-06-15
杉山 和正
Waseda Yoshio
Institute for Advanced Materials Processing, Tohoku University
杉山 和正
杉山 和正
東北大 金属材料研
杉山 和正
Waseda Y
Tohoku Univ. Sendai Jpn
Waseda Y
Institute Of Multidisciplinary Research For Advanced Materials (imram) Tohoku University
Saito Minoru
Division Of Cellular & Molecular Toxicology National Institute Of Health Sciences
Saito Masako
Department Of Applied Physics University Of Tokyo:(present Address)institute For Solid State Physics
Waseda Yoshio
Institute For Advanced Materials Processing (sozaiken) Tohoku University
Waseda Yoshio
Inst. Of Multidisciplinary Res. For Advanced Materials Tohoku Univ.
Institute for Advanced Materials Processing (SOZAIKEN), Tohoku University
Waseda Yoshio
Institute For Advanced Materials Proedding (amp) Tohoku University
SAITO Masatoshi
Institute for Advanced Materials Processing, Tohoku University
SATO Michio
Div. of Medical Devices National Institute of Hygienic Sciences
Saito Masatoshi
Institute For Advanced Materials Processing Tohoku University
Sugiyama K
Tohoku Univ. Sendai Jpn
Sugi M
Toin Univ. Yokohama Yokohama Jpn
Waseda Yoshio
Institute For Advanced Materials Processing
KANG Shinchul
Institute for Advanced Materials Processing,Tohoku University
Shigeno M
Sii Nanotechnology Inc.
Kang S
Korea Electric Power Res. Inst. Daejeon Kor
Kang Shinchul
Institute For Advanced Materials Processing Tohoku University
Sugiyama Kazumasa
Institute For Advanced Materials Processing (amp) Tohoku University
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