Applicability of Platinum and Molybdenum Coatings for Measuring Thermal Diffusivity of Transparent Glass Specimens by the Laser Flash Method at High Temperatures
- 論文の詳細を見る
- Japan Institute of Metalsの論文
- 2000-12-01
太田 弘道
Waseda Yoshio
Institute for Advanced Materials Processing, Tohoku University
太田 弘道
茨城大 工
SHIBATA Hiroyuki
Institute of Multidisciplinary Research for Advanced Materials (IMRAM), Tohoku University
OHTA Hiromichi
Faculty of Engineering, Ibaragi University
Waseda Y
Tohoku Univ. Sendai Jpn
Waseda Y
Institute Of Multidisciplinary Research For Advanced Materials (imram) Tohoku University
Waseda Yoshio
Institute For Advanced Materials Processing (sozaiken) Tohoku University
Waseda Yoshio
Inst. Of Multidisciplinary Res. For Advanced Materials Tohoku Univ.
Suzuki Atsushi
Institute of Applied Biochemistry, University of Tsukuba
Waseda Yoshio
Institute For Advanced Materials Proedding (amp) Tohoku University
Shibata Hiroyuki
Institute For Chemical Research Kyoto University
Ohta Hiromichi
Department Of Materials Science Ibaraki University
Waseda Yoshio
Institute For Advanced Materials Processing
Shibata Hiroyuki
Institute For Advanced Materials Processing Tohoku University
Suzuki Atsushi
Institute Of Applied Biochemistry University Of Tsukuba
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