Structural Study of Amorphous Ge_<50>Al_<40>Cr_<10> Alloy
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The strtnctture of an arnorphotrs GesoAl,toCrto alloy was studied b3' conventional X-ray diffraclion, anomalotus X-ray scattering and transuaaission electron naicr'oscopy incltrding high-resoltrtioninaaging. The anota?a1otrs X-ray sc?tttering pr'ofiles xvere obtained at Ge and Cr K-absorptionedges. Strtmcttural inforrnation in the forrn of' inter'ference ftznction oJotained by the experinaentalnaethods was checked for' its correc.tness Tcy trsing the reverse Nlonte Carlo siuaaul?ttion uaaethod.The strtrcttrre of the alloy sttrdied is discussed on the basis of' trztnsttaission e[ectrona naicroscopyimages, an ordinary radial distribtrtion function, partial strtnctttre f'trnctions and partial pairdistri bution f'uractions .
- 社団法人日本物理学会の論文
- 1999-07-15
INOUE Akihisa
Institute for Materials Research, Tohoku University
Waseda Yoshio
Institute for Advanced Materials Processing, Tohoku University
Waseda Y
Tohoku Univ. Sendai Jpn
Waseda Y
Institute Of Multidisciplinary Research For Advanced Materials (imram) Tohoku University
Dmitri V.
Institute For Materials Research Tohoku University
Louzguine Dmitri
Institute For Materials Research Tohoku University
Saito Minoru
Division Of Cellular & Molecular Toxicology National Institute Of Health Sciences
Saito Masako
Department Of Applied Physics University Of Tokyo:(present Address)institute For Solid State Physics
Waseda Yoshio
Institute For Advanced Materials Processing (sozaiken) Tohoku University
Waseda Yoshio
Inst. Of Multidisciplinary Res. For Advanced Materials Tohoku Univ.
Inoue A
Institute For Materials Research Tohoku University
Inoue Akihisa
Institute For Materials Research
Waseda Yoshio
Institute For Advanced Materials Proedding (amp) Tohoku University
SAITO Masatoshi
Institute for Advanced Materials Processing, Tohoku University
SATO Michio
Div. of Medical Devices National Institute of Hygienic Sciences
Inoue A
Tohoku Univ. Sendai Jpn
Saito Masatoshi
Institute For Advanced Materials Processing Tohoku University
Sugi M
Toin Univ. Yokohama Yokohama Jpn
Waseda Yoshio
Institute For Advanced Materials Processing
Shigeno M
Sii Nanotechnology Inc.
Inoue Akihisa
Institiute For Materials Resarch Tohoku University
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