Mao-to, a Kampo medicine, inhibits motility of highly metastatic osteosarcoma cells
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- 2004-08-20
日向 須美子
北里大学 東洋医学総合研究所 臨床研究部
日向 須美子
日向 須美子
HYUGA Masashi
Division of Biological Chemistry and Biologicals, National Institute of Health Sciences of Biologica
Laboratory of Glycoinformatics, Shenyang Pharmaceutical University
Laboratory of Glycoinformatics, Shenyang Pharmaceutical University
HANAWA Toshihiko
Department of Clinical Research, Oriental Medicine Research Center, The Kitasato Institute
Hyuga Masashi
Division Of Biological Chemistry And Biologicals National Institute Of Health Sciences
Hyuga Masashi
Division Of Biological Chemistry And Biologicals National Institute Of Health Sciences Of Biological
Hanawa T
Kitasato Univ. Graduate School Kanagawa Jpn
Hanawa Toshihiko
Department Of Clinical Research Oriental Medicine Research Center The Kitasato Institute : Kitasato
Yamagata Sadako
Laboratory Of Glycoinformatics Shenyang Pharmaceutical University
Yamagata Tatsuya
Laboratory Of Glycoinformatics Shenyang Pharmaceutical University
Hanawa Toshihiko
Department Of Clinical Research Oriental Medicine Research Center The Kitasato Institute
- Maoto, a Kampo medicine, suppresses human serum-induced motility of human breast cancer cells
- Suppression of murine colitis by Kampo medicines, with special reference to the efficacy of saireito
- ミクリッツ病における八味地黄丸のステロイド減量効果 : 症例報告
- Estrogen-like activity in Kampo medicines used for menopausal symptoms and gynecological diseases
- C-16 更年期頻用漢方処方の閉経モデルマウス子宮重量及び血中エストロゲン値に及ぼす影響(女性医学・肝,一般演題口演,第24回和漢医薬学会大会 和漢薬の複雑さ-経験知と科学知-)
- 121 更年期頻用漢方処方の閉経モデルマウス子宮重量に及ぼす影響(薬理2, 第58回日本東洋医学会学術総会)
- 151 婦人科系疾患の治療に用いられる漢方処方のエストロゲン様活性の解析(薬理1,一般演題,第57回日本東洋医学会学術総会)
- D-034(30) 癌細胞の運動能に対する漢方薬の効果
- A case in which Kampo medicine affected warfarin control
- Mao-to, a Kampo medicine, inhibits motility of highly metastatic osteosarcoma cells
- 232 麻黄湯のがん転移関連遺伝子発現に対する効果の解析(生薬・薬理2,一般演題,伝統医学のあるべきかたちとは-世界の潮流と日本の役割-,第59回日本東洋医学会学術総会)
- 231 麻黄湯を内服した健常人血清によるヒト乳がん細胞の運動能抑制効果の解析(生薬・薬理2,一般演題,伝統医学のあるべきかたちとは-世界の潮流と日本の役割-,第59回日本東洋医学会学術総会)
- C-03 麻黄湯を服用した健常人血清のヒトがん細胞運動能に対する効果の解析(腫瘍,一般演題口演,第24回和漢医薬学会大会 和漢薬の複雑さ-経験知と科学知-)
- C-02 麻黄湯の経口投与後に経時的に回収したマウス血清によるがん細胞の運動能及びがん転移関連遺伝子発現に対する作用の解析(腫瘍,一般演題口演,第24回和漢医薬学会大会 和漢薬の複雑さ-経験知と科学知-)
- 123 麻黄湯のヒトがん細胞の運動能に対する効果の解析(薬理2, 第58回日本東洋医学会学術総会)
- 122 がん再発防止療法をめざした漢方薬のがん転移抑制効果の解析(薬理2, 第58回日本東洋医学会学術総会)
- 152 婦人科更年期頻用漢方処方のエストロゲン受容体α及びβに対するアゴエストあるいはアンタゴニスト作用の解析(薬理1,一般演題,第57回日本東洋医学会学術総会)
- Differentiation between Hangekobokuto and Kososan based on pupillary dynamics : Evaluation of autonomic nerve function
- Unkeito, a traditional Kampo formula, exhibits a selective estrogen receptor modulator-like activity : Prevention of osteoporosis in ovariectomized mice
- P1-611 更年期頻用漢方処方のエストロゲン様活性,エストロゲン受容体への結合及び卵巣摘出マウスの子宮重量に及ぼす影響の検討(Group77 女性医学1,一般演題,第59回日本産科婦人科学会学術講演会)
- Annexin A3 Expression Increases in Hepatocytes and is Regulated by Hepatocyte Growth Factor in Rat Liver Regeneration
- B6 ガングリオシドによるマウス骨肉腫由来FBJ-LL細胞のビトロネクチンへの接着の制御
- ガングリオシドで制御される腫瘍細胞の転移能
- The basic research of Kampo medicines in view of clinical application : Prevention of cancer metastasis by a Kampo medicine and evaluation of the safety of Kampo medicines used for menopausal symptoms(Incentive Award, 2006)
- Maoto, Kampo medicine, suppresses the metastatic potential of highly metastatic osteosarcoma cells
- Agonistic or antagonistic action of Kampo medicines used for menopausal symptoms on estrogen receptor subtypes, ERα and ERβ
- Ganglioside GD1a Negatively Regulates Matrix Metalloproteinase-9 Expression in Mouse FBJ Cell Lines at the Transcriptional Level
- 細胞機能を利用したオリゴ糖鎖の合成
- Thrombomodulin Enhances the Invasive Activity of Mouse Mammary Tumor Cells
- Suppression of motility of human breast cancer cells by human serum after intake of maoto
- Change in Annexin A3 Expression by Regulatory Factors of Hepatocyte Growth in Primary Cultured Rat Hepatocytes(Molecular and Cell Biology)
- Expression of Annexin A3 in Primary Cultured Parenchymal Rat Hepatocytes and Inhibition of DNA Synthesis by Suppression of Annexin A3 Expression Using RNA Interference(Biochemistry/Molecular Biology)
- Isolated Small Rat Hepatocytes Express both Annexin III and Terminal Differentiated Hepatocyte Markers, Tyrosine Aminotransferase and Tryptophan Oxygenase, at the mRNA Level(Biochemistry/Molecular Biology)
- Activins A, AB, and B Inhibit Hepatocyte Growth Factor Synthesis by MRC-5 Human Lung Fibroblasts
- A Possible Mechanism Underlying an Antidepressive-Like Effect of Kososan, a Kampo Medicine, via the Hypothalamic Orexinergic System in the Stress-Induced Depression-Like Model Mice
- Rosmarinic Acid from Perillae Herba Produces an Antidepressant-Like Effect in Mice through Cell Proliferation in the Hippocampus(Pharmacology)
- Enhancement of Hepatocyte Growth Factor-Induced Cell Scattering in N-Acetylglucosaminyltransferase III-transfected HepG2 Cells(Biochemistry/Molecular Biology)
- Effects of Kampo medicine on pupillary dynamics and heart rate variability : establishment of an objective evaluation method
- Ephedrae herba, a major component of maoto, inhibits the HGF-induced motility of human breast cancer MDA-MB-231 cells through suppression of c-Met tyrosine phosphorylation and c-Met expression
- GM3 suppresses anchorage-independent growth via Rho GDP dissociation inhibitor beta in melanoma B16 cells
- Involvement of Neuropeptide Y Signaling in the Antidepressant-Like Effect and Hippocampal Cell Proliferation Induced by Kososan, a Kampo Medicine, in the Stress-Induced Depression-Like Model Mice
- Effects of Kampo Medicines on MDR-1-Mediated Multidrug Resistance in Human Hepatocellular Carcinoma HuH-7/PTX Cells
- The 13C-Butyrate Breath Test: a New Non-Invasive Method for Assessing Colitis in a Murine Model