Characteristics of Microsatellites in Brassica rapa Genome and their Potential Utilization for Comparative Genomics in Cruciferae
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We evaluated the nature of microsatellites in Brassica rapa in order to develop an informative and reliable DNA marker system for Brassica genetic analysis. Microsatellites were isolated by hybridization screening of an unconcentrated small-insert genomic library using tri- and dinucleotide probes. Of 45,000 clones screened, 210 had repeat sequences, in which 228 microsatellites were identified. The most frequent microsatellite motif was (GA)_n at a frequency of one every 4.8 × 10^5 bp, followed by (CAA)_n at one every 5.0 × 10^5 bp. The frequency of the tri- and dinucleotide microsatellites throughout the B. rapa genome was estimated to be one every 120 Kb. The number of repeats and the polymorphism information content of the dinucleotide microsatellites were higher than those of the trinucleotide microsatellites. More than 90% of the primer pairs successfully amplified the corresponding microsatellite regions in other Brassica species. Furthermore, a considerable portion of them could be used in other Cruciferous species, 78.5% in Raphanm sativus, 68.6% in Sinapis alba and 39.8% in Arabidopsis thaliana. Based on these results, we concluded that B. rapa microsatellites have a high potential for the development of DNA markers that could contribute to the genetic analysis of Brassica and other Cruciferae.
- 日本育種学会の論文
Hirai Masashi
Faculty of Agriculture, Kyoto Prefectural University
Suwabe Keita
National Institute of Vegetable and Tea Science
Suwabe K
National Inst. Vegetable And Tea Sci. Mie Jpn
Suwabe Keita
National Institute Of Vegetable And Tea Science National Agriculture And Food Research Organization
Nunome Tsukasa
National institute of Vegetable and Tea Science, National Agricultural Research Organization
Hirai M
National Research Institute Of Vegetables Ornamental Plants & Tea(nivot)
Hirai M
Kyoto Prefectural Univ. Kyoto Jpn
Hirai Masashi
Faculty Of Agriculture Kyoto Prefectural University
Nunome T
National Inst. Vegetable And Tea Sci. Mie Jpn
Nunome Tsukasa
Natl. Res. Inst. Veg. Ornam Plant & Tea.
Nunome Tsukasa
Molecular Genetics And Physiology Research Team National Institute Of Vegetable And Tea Science (niv
Nunome Tsukasa
National Institute Of Vegetable And Tea Science National Agriculture And Food Research Organization
Nunome Tsukasa
National Institute Of Vegetable And Tea Science (nivts)
National Institute of Vegetable and Tea Science, National Agriculture and Food Research Organization
FUKUOKA Hiroyuki
National Institute of Vegetable and Tea Science, National Agriculture and Food Research Organization
Iketani Hiroyuki
National Agricultural and Bio-oriented Research Organization
Ohyama A
National Res. Inst. Vegetables Ornamental Plants And Tea Mie Jpn
Ohyama Akio
Molecular Genetics And Physiology Research Team National Institute Of Vegetable And Tea Science (niv
Ohyama Akio
Plant Breeding And Genetics Research Laboratory Japan Tobacco Inc.
Iketani Hiroyuki
National Institute Of Fruit Tree Science National Agriculture And Food Research Organization
Fukuoka H
Molecular Genetics And Physiology Research Team National Institute Of Vegetable And Tea Science (niv
Fukuoka Hiroyuki
National Inst. Of Vegetable And Tea Sci.
Nunome Tsukasa
National Institute Of Vegetable And Tea Science
Ohyama Akio
National Institute Of Vegetable And Tea Science National Agriculture And Food Research Organization
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