Analyses of Clonal Status in 'Somei-yoshino' and Confirmation of Genealogical Record in Other Cultivars of Prunus×yedoensis by Microsatellite Markers
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'Somei-yoshino' (Yoshino cherry, Prunus × yedoensis) is the most popular flowering cherry cultivar in Japan. In order to confirm the clonal status of this cultivar, which is one of the most important issues, genotypes of different individuals were investigated using 21 microsatellite markers. Of the 52 individuals examined, including 47 old trees planted from the late 19th to the early 20th century that had been collected from various locations in Japan, 50 showed an identical genotype. The other two were assumed to be the offspring of this cultivar. These results showed that 'Somei-yoshino' is a clone from a single tree. The genealogy of six other cultivars belonging to the same hybrid species was examined using the same method. The results were congruent with the documentation of their genealogy. 'Mishima-zakura' and 'Shouwa-zakura' were found to be the offspring of 'Somei-yoshino', while 'Amagi-yoshino', 'Izu-yoshino', 'Mikado-yoshino' and 'Perpendens' were not directly related to 'Somei-yoshino'.
- 日本育種学会の論文
山本 俊哉
Sato Y
Department Of Clinical Physiology Tokyo Metropolitan Institute Of Gerontology
Sato Yo-ichiro
Res. Inst. Of Humanity And Nature
National Institute of Fruit Tree Science
Sato Y
Yamanashi Medical Univ. Yamanashi Jpn
Forest Bio-Research Laboratory 2, Forest Bio-Research Center, Forestry and Forest Products Research
Matsuta Nagao
National Institute of Fruit Tree Science
Katsuki Toshio
Forestry And Forest Products Research Institute
Katsuki Toshio
Forest Bio-research Laboratory 2 Forest Bio-research Center Forestry And Forest Products Research In
Iketani Hiroyuki
National Agricultural and Bio-oriented Research Organization
Sato Yoshihiko
National Institute of Fruit Tree Science
Ohta Satoshi
National Institute of Fruit Tree Science, National Agriculture and Food Research Organization
Kawahara Takayuki
Hokkaido Research Center, Forestry and Forest Products Research Institute
Mase Nobuko
National Institute of Fruit Tree Science, National Agriculture and Food Research Organization
Mase Nobuko
National Institute Of Fruit Tree Science (nifts)
Mase Nobuko
National Institute Of Fruit Tree Science
Kawahara Takayuki
Hokkaido Research Center Forestry And Forest Products Research Institute
Iketani Hiroyuki
National Institute Of Fruit Tree Science National Agriculture And Food Research Organization
Ohta Satoshi
National Institute Of Fruit Tree Science National Agriculture And Food Research Organization
Sato Y
National Institute Of Fruit Tree Science
Yamamoto Toshiya
National Inst. Of Fruit Tree Sci.
Sato Yoshihiko
National Institute Of Fruit Tree Science (nifts)
Mase Nobuko
National Inst. Of Fruit Tree Sci. National Agriculture And Food Res. Organization
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- 42. 植物成長調節剤がナシ果実の単為結果に及ぼす影響と単為結果関連遺伝子の探索(口頭発表,植物化学調節学会第47回大会)