- 論文の詳細を見る
Three rifampicin (RFP) products (CB, DI and KB) were examined on their dissolution patterns and bioavailability in healthy subjects and tuberculous patients. Dissolution rates of 3 RFP products at 60 min were more than 80% in the first fluid of the Japanese Pharmacopoeia (IX) disintegration test. In the second fluid, the rates of CB, DI and KB at 60 min were 10.0, 72.0 and 73.0%, respectively, and those in a deaerated water were 5.5, 95.0 and 14.0%. On their bioavailability parameters, DI showed highest plasma RFP concentration and AUC value both in healthy subjects and tuberculous patients. On plasma RFP concentration, statistically significant, higher values were observed in healthy subjects than in tuberculous patients, while in CB, higher values were observed in tuberculous patients at 2 hr after administration (P<0.05), 4hr (P<0.02) and 6hr (P<0.05), in DI at 4hr (P<0.05), and in KB at 2hr (P<0.05) and 4hr (P<0.01).
- 日本医療薬学会の論文
- 1984-06-20
荒木 泰典
Department Of Hospital Pharmacy Okayama University Medical School
福田 保
篠沢 真哉
Department Of Hospital Pharmacy Okayama University Medical School
吉村 淳
立花 章
中西 洋二
篠沢 真哉
福田 保
荒木 泰典
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