Low-Energy Gauge Interactions from the E_8×E_8' Superstring Theory : Particles and Fields
- 論文の詳細を見る
Renormalization group analysis is presented for models with the intermediate mass scale, taking into account the abelian kinetic term mixing which is the peculiar feature of the E_8×E_8' superstring theory. Using these results the phenomenologically viable models are selected. Low energy effects of the extra U(1) gauge symmetry are also studied.
- 理論物理学刊行会の論文
- 1986-10-25
松岡 武夫
Matsuoka Takeo
Department Of Physics Nagoya University
Suematsu D
Kanazawa Univ.
Suematsu Daijiro
Department Of Physics Kanazawa University
Department of Physics, Kanazawa University
Institute for Theoretical Physics, Faculty of Science, Kanazawa University
Institute for Theoretical Physics, University of Bern
- 28pZN-2 SU(6)*SU(2)_R弦模型における粒子スペクトルとゲージ結合の統一(素粒子論)
- 29pSF-9 Precocious Gauge Symmetry Breaking in SU(6)^*SU(2)_R Model
- 26pXH-12 Flavor Symmetry on Non-Commutative Compact Space and SU(6)×SU(2)_R Model
- 30aSA-12 SU(6)^*SU(2)_R模型における大きなレプトン世代混合
- Quark Mixings in SU(6)×SU(2)_R and Suppression of V_
- 31p-S-6 A Large Majorana-Mass From Calabi-Yau Superstring Models
- Particle spectra and gauge unification in SU(6) x SU(2)_R model.
- Precocious gauge symmetry breaking in SU(6) x SU(2)_R model.
- Non-anomalous flavor symmetries and SU(6) x SU(2)_R model.
- Flavor symmetry on non-commutative compact space and SU(6) x SU(2)_R model.
- 反世代場による超対称性の破れの伝達機構(素粒子物理学の新展開,研究会報告)
- Mediation of Supersymmetry Breaking via Anti-Generation Fields
- The CKM Matrix and Its Origin : Particles and Fields
- large Lepton Flavor Mixing and E_6-Type Unification Models
- Fermion masses and mixings in a string inspired model.
- The Weak scale hierarchy and discrete symmetries.
- The Aligned SU(5) x U(1)^2 model.
- How can we obtain a large Majorana-mass in Calabi-Yau models?
- The String unification of gauge couplings and gauge kinetic mixings.
- Chargino and Neutralino Mass Spectra in Superstring-Inspired E_6 Model with R-Parity Violation : Particles and Fields
- Monojets and Production of a New Heavy Particle : Particles and Fields
- Yukawa Couplings and Global Symmetries in Four-Generation Superstring Models
- PART II Phenomenological Analyses of High Energy Scattering
- Quark Mass Matrices Consistent with the KM Phenomenology : Progress Letters
- Large p_T Jets and Correlating Quark Rearrangement Model
- A Unification Condition in Calabi-Yau Superstring Models with One Kahler Class Modulus : Particles and Fields
- Extra U(1) Phenomenology from the E_8×E_8 Superstring Theory : Particles and Fields
- Scaling Features in Hard Reactions and Correlating Quark Rearrangement Model
- Duality Solution and Backward Meson-Baryon Scattering
- Scaling Features in Hard Reactions and Correlating Quark : Rearrangement Model(Large P_T and Dilepton,Proceedings of the Multiparticle Dynamics)
- Fixed-Angle Scaling Form in Large Momentum Transfer Scattering
- Structure of Symmetry Breaking in Hadronic Reactions
- Constituent Rearrangement Model and Hadron Reactions
- Transverse Momentum in the Multiple Production Processes and Urbaryon Rearrangement Model
- Large p_T Hadron Production and Urbaryon Rearrangement Model
- All-Angle Features of Urbaryon Rearrangement Amplitudes and Two-Step Structure of Constructive Forces
- All-Angle Behavior of Two-Body Scattering and Urbaryon Rearrangement
- Universality of Urbaryon Rearrangement Amplitudes
- Hadronic Reactions and the Rearrangement of Sakatons
- Hadron Reactions and Urbaryon Rearrangement
- Multiple Production Processes and Rearrangement of Sakatons
- Duality and Rearrangement of Sakaton
- The Rearrangement of Sakatons and High Energy Two-Body Scattering. II
- A Note on Sum Rules of dσ/d|t-t_|
- Rearrangement of Sakatons and High Energy Two-Body Scattering
- High Energy Inelastic Scattering by Rearrangemement of Sakatons
- K-N Inelastic Processes
- Production of String-Loops and Rising of Central Plateau in SPS Collider Region
- Large p_T Jet Production and Hard Rearrangement of Quarks
- Large Intermediate Scales and High Discrete Symmetries in Superstring Theories : Particles and Fields
- Neutron Electric Dipole Moment under Non-Universal Soft SUSY Breaking Terms : Particles and Fields
- The Gauge Unification in a Four-Generation Superstring Model : Particles and Fields
- 11p-H-1 超弦理論における大きな中間スケールと高い離散対称性
- Self-Dual Point and Unification
- Urbaryon Rearrangement and Inclusive Phenomenology
- Urbaryon Rearrangement and Breaking of Line Reversal Relations. II
- Urbaryon Rearrangement and D/F Ratios
- Generation and Mass Spectrum in a Chiral Preon Model for Quarks and Leptons
- Realistic Models from the E_8×E_8' Superstring Theory : Particles and Fields
- Strong CP-Problem in Superstring Theory : Particles and Fields
- Hidden Sector Structure and Fractionally Charged States in Calabi-Yau Compactified String Model : Particles and Fields
- Phenomenological Neutrino Mass Matrix for Neutrino Oscillations and Dark Matter
- Low-Energy Gauge Interactions from the E_8×E_8' Superstring Theory : Particles and Fields
- Radiative Symmetry Breaking and Higgs Mass Bound in the NMSSM
- Proton Stability and Small Neutrino Mass in String Inspired E_6 Model : Particles and fields
- A Light Sterile Neutrino Based on the Seesaw Mechanism
- The CKM Matrix and Its Origin : Particles and Fields