Large p_T Jets and Correlating Quark Rearrangement Model
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Large p_t jet productions are studied from the viewpoint of correlating quark rearrangement model in which the correlations among quarks and the color singlet constraints of quark rearrangement play essential roles. Four-jet structure in large p_t events is derived. The factors ascribed to the spectator, to the hard-rearrangement and to the extraction mechanism are defined and their forms are determined concretely. Though these factors correspond to the distribution function in the parton model, respectively, their meanings are quite different from each other. The spectator factor, which shows scaling behavior, represents the degree of difficulty of quarks in making large momentum transfer but does not mean the distribution function of momentum fraction of quarks. The hard-rearrangement factor is considerably affected by the correlations among quarks. The extraciton factor is also influenced by the constraints to compose the final state of color singlet hadrons and shows a significantly non-scaling feature.
- 理論物理学刊行会の論文
- 1978-08-25
- 28pZN-2 SU(6)*SU(2)_R弦模型における粒子スペクトルとゲージ結合の統一(素粒子論)
- 29pSF-9 Precocious Gauge Symmetry Breaking in SU(6)^*SU(2)_R Model
- 26pXH-12 Flavor Symmetry on Non-Commutative Compact Space and SU(6)×SU(2)_R Model
- 30aSA-12 SU(6)^*SU(2)_R模型における大きなレプトン世代混合
- Quark Mixings in SU(6)×SU(2)_R and Suppression of V_
- 31p-S-6 A Large Majorana-Mass From Calabi-Yau Superstring Models
- Particle spectra and gauge unification in SU(6) x SU(2)_R model.
- Precocious gauge symmetry breaking in SU(6) x SU(2)_R model.
- Non-anomalous flavor symmetries and SU(6) x SU(2)_R model.
- Flavor symmetry on non-commutative compact space and SU(6) x SU(2)_R model.