A full-text english database of testimonies of those exposed to radiation near the Semipalatinsk nuclear test site, Kazakhstan
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The present paper is a sequel to the initial report (Kawano et al 2003a) of the project for a full-text Japanese database of the testimonies of those exposed to radiation near the nuclear test site of Semipalatinsk, Kazakhstan. 139 testimonies were gathered in four villages near Semipalatinsk in 2002. We translated them into English from Russian and Kazakh, and created a full-text database by using a Latin script text retrieval program, TERESA. The present paper attempts at essentially the same thing as our first report mentioned above, using the English version of the database. We attempt to show how the database can be used to understand tragic realities of the effects of exposure to radiation from nuclear tests. In the attempt, we try to demonstrate that radiation exposed residents near the test site are affected physically and mentally, by citing retrieved testimonies which complain of illness and bad health, environmental pollution, and mental disorder, resulting finally in suicide. We also try to demonstrate differences between experiences in Semipalatinsk, and those in Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Besides, we add our conceptual and methodological premises for conducting this kind of research, as well as some new findings concerning the radiation exposure in Semipalatinsk.
- 広島大学の論文
Research Institute for Radiation Biology and Medicine, Hiroshima University
峠岡 康幸
Research Institute For Radiation Biology And Medicine Hiroshima University
KAWANO Noriyuki
Research Institute for Radiation Biology and Medicine, Hiroshima University
Apsalikov Kazbek
Kazakh Scientific Res. Inst. For Radiation Medicine And Ecology
平林 今日子
MATSUO Masatsugu
Institute for Peace Science, Hiroshima University
Apsalikov Negamatovich
Kazakh Research Institute For Radiation Medicine And Ecology
Hirabayashi Kyoko
Graduate School of Biomedical Science, Hiroshima University
Tooka Yasuyuki
Mazda Hospital
Taooka Yasuyuki
The Department Of Respiratory Disease Hiroshima Red Cross Hospital And Atomic Bomb Survivors Hospita
Hoshi Masaharu
Research Institute For Nuclear Medecine And Biology Hiroshima University
Hirabayashi Kyoko
Graduate School Of Biomedical Science Hiroshima University
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