Toward High Sensitivity ESR Dosimetry of Mammal Teeth : The Effect of Chemical Treatment
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Investigations were conducted into chemical treatments suitable for concentrating enamel from cow teeth. Cow teeth could be used as alternative to human teeth for retrospective dosimetry when human teeth are not available. It is essential to remove dentin from tooth enamel for low dose radiation dosimetry in order to avoid interference to the ESR signal from organic radicals. Increasing the period of chemical treatment with KOH and NaOH reduced the signal intensity of the organic radicals. The sensitivity of the dosimetric signal from inorganic radicals increased slightly with length of treatment with NaOH, which is consistent with removal of dentin, and rose to a maximum of 20% after 5h with KOH (40℃).
- 日本放射線影響学会の論文
豊田 新
TAKEDA Shunichi
Dept. Rad. Genet. Kyoto Univ.
Research Institute for Radiation Biology and Medicine, Hiroshima University
星 正治
広島大学原爆放射能医学研究所 国際放射線情報センター
星 正治
岡山理科大学 理学部応用物理学科
星 正治
Department of Applied Physics Faculty of Science Okayama University of Science
豊田 新
Dep. Of Applied Physics Fac. Of Sci. Okayama Univ. Of Sci.
豊田 新
岡山理科大学 理学部応用物理学科
星 正治
Department of Radiology, Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences
IMATA Hiroko
Department of Applied Physics, Okayama University of Science
Hoshi Masaharu
Research Institute For Nuclear Medecine And Biology Hiroshima University
Imata Hiroko
Department Of Applied Physics Okayama University Of Science
Hoshi Masaharu
Hiroshima University
Romanyukha Alexander
Department Of Radiology Uniformed Services University Of The Health Sciences
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