An Attempt to Develop a Database for Epidemiological Research in Semipalatinsk
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The present paper reports progress and problems in our development of a database for comprehensive epidemiological research in Semipalatinsk whose ultimate aim is to examine the effects of low dose radiation exposure on the human body. The database was constructed and set up at the Scientific Research Institute of Radiation Medicine Ecology in 2003, and the number of data entries into the database reached 110,000 on 31 January 2005. However, we face some problems concerning size, accuracy and reliability of data which hinder full epidemiological analysis. Firstly we need fuller bias free data. The second task is to establish a committee for a discussion of the analysis, which should be composed of statisticians and epidemiologists, to conduct a research project from a long-term perspective, and carry out the collection of data effectively, along the lines of the project. Due to the insufficiency of data collected so far, our analysis is limited to showing the trends in mortality rates in the high and low dose areas.
- 日本放射線影響学会の論文
Research Institute for Radiation Biology and Medicine, Hiroshima University
星 正治
広島大学原爆放射能医学研究所 国際放射線情報センター
星 正治
岡山理科大学 理学部応用物理学科
星 正治
Kazakhstan Research Institute for Radiation Medicine and Ecology
星 正治
Gusev Boris
Scientifical Research Institute For Radiation Medicine (srirm)
Gusev B.
Kazakh Scientific Research Inst. Radiation Medicine And Ecology
Apsalikov Kazbek
Kazakh Scientific Res. Inst. For Radiation Medicine And Ecology
Apsalikov Kazbek
Kazakh Scientific Research Institute For Radiation Medicine And Ecology
Apsaliko K.
Scientifical Research Institute For Radiation Medicine (srirm)
Gusev Boris
Scientifical Res. Inst. For Radiation Medicine (srirm)
Gusev Boris
Kazakh Science Research Institute For Radiation Medicine And Ecology
Apsalikov Kazbek.
Kazakh Research Institute For Radiation Medicine And Ecology
片山 博昭
Department of Information Technology, Radiation Effects Research Foundation
Kazakhstan Scientific Research Institute of Radiation and Ecology
Kazakhstan Scientific Research Institute of Radiation and Ecology
Kazakhstan Scientific Research Institute of Radiation and Ecology
Kazakhstan Scientific Research Institute of Radiation and Ecology
Hoshi Masaharu
Research Institute For Nuclear Medecine And Biology Hiroshima University
Katayama Hiroaki
Department Of Information Technology Radiation Effects Research Foundation
Hoshi Masaharu
Hiroshima University
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