セミパラチンスク地区住民の核実験体験 : 線量と距離に関して
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The present paper attempts to explore factors influencing direct experiences of nuclear explosions in residents near the Semipalatinsk Nuclear Test Site (SNTS). For this purpose, it examines the results of our questionnaire survey from 2002 to 2005 in terms of a statistical method called logistic multiple linear regression analysis. The results show:(1) Approximately 94 % of respondents experienced something directly from the nuclear tests.(2) Approximately 66 % of respondents answered that they saw the flash of the nuclear explosions, 50 % of respondents answered that they felt the bomb blast and only 12 % of respondents answered that they felt heat.(3) Their direct experiences from the nuclear explosions is dependent not on radiation exposure level but on the distance from the hypocenter at the SNTS.
- 広島大学平和科学研究センターの論文
松尾 雅嗣
平林 今日子
Hirabayashi Kyoko
Graduate School Of Biomedical Science Hiroshima University
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