- 論文の詳細を見る
The present paper is an attempt to explore the causes and circumstances of conflicts over the writing system, or script conflicts, on the basis of the examination of a variety of cases. First of all, the creation or change of the writing system is often closely linked with the interests and identity of a group. The writing system, whether it is newly created or changed or maintained, can influence the life chances of a group. Or it may satisfy or disappoint the identity need of the group. Secondly, the modern industrial society requires universal or semi-universal literacy. The writing system is a prerequisite for this. Thirdly, the relationship between a language and its writing system is not a necessary one, but a conventional or arbitrary one. This means that there is always room for the choice of a writing system among possible candidates. This nature of the writing system also provides a possibility of conflict over the choice.
- 一般演題 19 セミパラチンスク核実験場近郊住民に対するアンケート調査による放射線障害に関する検討
- 一般演題 3 セミパラチンスク核実験場近郊での核被害: 被曝証言を通して
- Physical Experiences of the Nuclear Explosions in the Semipalatinsk Area : Radiation Exposure Level and Distance from the Hypocenter
- 一般演題20 セミパラチンスク核実験場近郊住民の心的影響に関する一考察
- Human Suffering Effects of Nuclear Tests at Semipalatinsk, Kazakhstan : Established On the Basis of Questionnaire Surveys
- A Project for a Comprehensive Collation of the Two Manuscripts (Hengwrt and Ellesmere) and the Two Editions (Blake[1980] and Benson[1987]) of The Canterbury Tales
- Positions of Ornamental Letters within a Word in the Hengwrt and Ellesmere Manuscripts of Geoffrey Chaucer's The Canterbury Tales
- Around Semipalatinsk Nuclear Test Site : Progress of dose Estimations Relevant to the Consequences of Nuclear Tests : A summary of 3^ Dosimetry Workshop on the Semipalatinsk Nuclear Test Site Area, RIRBM, Hiroshima University, Hiroshima, 9-11 of March
- 『ゆうかりの友』関連 原邦彦資料目録
- カザフスタン共和国セミパラチンスク核実験被害に関する近郊住民インタビュー
- 黒い雨はどのように記憶されたか
- 核被害、紛争被害地域の平和観の国際比較
- セミパラチンスク地区住民の核実験体験 : 線量と距離に関して
- 広島原爆投下時の避難 : 川と橋を超えて
- 峠三吉自筆草稿画像目録
- 平和研究と広島大学
- Overall Image of Nuclear Tests and Their Human Effects at Semipalatinsk : An Attempt at Analyses Based on Verbal Data
- 峠三吉自筆草稿画像目録
- 資源紛争の再検討 (資源管理をめぐる紛争の予防と解決)
- セミパラチンスク核実験場近郊被曝証言の日本語版全文データーベース化
- 東北タイにおける言語能力と自称
- 峠三吉東京資料 : 峠資料電子化の文脈で
- A Preliminary study on attitudes toward nuclear weapons and nuclear tests of the residents of Kurchatov, Kazakhstan
- One language or two? : Real and perceived identification and differentiation of language
- 表記体系をめぐる紛争:文字紛争論序説
- 人文科学, 社会科学のためのテクスト語彙処理システムについて