A Comprehensive Textual Comparison of The Parliament of Fowls : Benson's, Robinson's, Brewer's, and Havely's Editions
MATSUO Masatsugu
Institute for Peace Science, Hiroshima University
地村 彰之
中尾 佳行
Department of English Language and Culture Education, Graduate School of Education, Hiroshima Univer
松尾 雅嗣
Institute for Peace Science, Hiroshima University
Jimura Akiyuki
Nakao Yoshiyuki
Department of English Education, Graduate School of Education, Hiroshima University
Nakao Yoshiyuki
Department Of English Education Graduate School Of Education Hiroshima University
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- The Canterbury Tales(General Prologue)のHengwrt写本とEllesmere写本のテクスト校合研究
- A Comprehensive Textual Comparison of The Parliament of Fowls : Benson's, Robinson's, Brewer's, and Havely's Editions
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- Political outcomes of the slips of the tongue of Japanese ministers