単純商品の再生産表式 : 2.表式の展開
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This report is one of a series of studies which seek to elucidate, through a theoretical study relative to the simple commodity production, tabulation of reproduction, which is one of the modes of commodity production. Some conclusions derived from the study as to the development on tabular form, the schema of I (v+m)=He and the mode of production according to the simple commodity production were as follows; 1) Simple tabulation of reproduction is applicable, or rather inherent to simple commodity production, because simple commodity production aim at consumption. 2) According to the tabulation that is taken for granted, in case of that is the high-ratio on the self-sufficing parts to the parts of the commercial production in the all social products, the agriculture and industry must be joined together and inseparable from each other. 3) The low-rate of capital composition goes with the low-rate of surplus value and the low-rate of profit. It follows as a logical consequence that superiority of production for production's means to production for consumption's means is nonexistent.
- 岐阜大学の論文
- 1987-01-10
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