算数科におけるコミュニケーションについての研究 : 実践をとおしての振り返りと試み
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Importance of communication in mathenlatics classroom can be considered at least from three perspectives:(a)enhancing children's reflections on their thinking processes,(b)enabling children's approaches toward problems from different angles and(c)fostering children's active participation in mathematical activities. The purpose of this study is to find out prospects and means for capitalizing on these strong points that communication has in actual mathematics teaching practice. Specifically, two rescarch questions are set: 1. What kind of communication is seen in mathematics classroom practice that is going on everyday? 2. What influences does teaching that stresses roles of communication in learning have on children? What power does such teaching foster in chilclren? In what way do children change concerning their thinking, motivation and attitude? These questions are directly related to Ms.Mori(one of the authors)'s concern for improving her teaching practice when she entered the Night Course of Graduate School at Nara University of Education. To investigate these questions, we decided to make her mathematics classes as the maior object of study.Her teaching practice had been reflected on, and modified based on the reflections and trials. The results of our investigations are as follows:・ Three diferent communication patterns were distinguished based on the data from Ms.Mori's class. They show that teacher's different interventions lead different flows of lessons and diffrent mathematical thinking activities in which children are engaged. ・ The three communication patterns were intentionally considered when planning mathematics lessons by Ms. Mori. The influence of such teaching on children's thinking can be characterized by the emergence of dilerent thinking strategies together with the children's positive choice of strategies according to problem at hand. Different strategies emerged, are shared and personalized in the process of communication in class. ・ Teachihg that stressed communication patterns also influenced children's motivation and attitude toward learnillg, especially mathematics learning. The children are in the process of increasing their interest and motivation toward mathematics and their recognition of value of communicating ideas with their peers and the teacher. Based on the results, implications for teaching that stresses communication are made. They are:(i)both communication pattern and communication content need to be considered and intentionally laid out when planning and implementing teaching,(ii)children's different ways of participation in communication need to be considered and respected, and(iii)children's change not only in mathematics but also in other subiects and everyday life needs to be anticipated and grasped.
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