算数・数学教育における文字の学習に関する一考察 : 文字概念形成過程における諸問題を中心にして
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The purpose of this study is to clarify the state of students' understanding of letters and based on the results, to make educational implications for the teaching of letters in schools. To understand the meaning and use of letters in Algebra is such a big hurdle for students. In this study, it is considered that one of the biggest reasons comes from the fact that letters have different meanings depending on situations in which they are used. Students understanding of different meanings of letters is investigated by using a statistical method. The factors that influence students difficulties as well as the process of their concept formation are exammed. One of the important bases for the understanding of letters as unknowns and as variables is found to be the understanding of letters as generalized numbers. Especially, this study identifies two important factors that influence their concept formation for letters. One is that it is critical if students can understand that two different letters can represent different values regardless of their sizes. For example, two letters x and y can be either x > y, x < y, or x = y, depending on the values they represent. The other is if students can understand that the same value can be represented by different letters. Based on these and other results obtained, some problems are addressed and implications are made in the current teaching of letters in schools.
- 奈良教育大学の論文
- B10 研究授業を通した授業改善システムの開発(B 学習指導法,口頭発表の部)
- 本質的学習場に基づく教材の実践的研究
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- 算数・数学教育における文字の学習に関する一考察 : 文字概念形成過程における諸問題を中心にして
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- A7 TIMSS1999公開授業ビデオにみるチェコ・オーストラリアの中学校数学授業の考察(A.【カリキュラム(目標,評価)】,論文発表の部)
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- 比例的推論に関する近年の研究の動向から(WG5【関数(数量関係)/確率・統計】,今後の我が国の数学教育研究,「課題別分科会」発表集録)
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- 算数・数学教育における文字の学習に関する一考察(口頭発表の部)