Breeding of Industrial Diploid Yeast Strain with Chromosomal Integration of Multiple β-Glucosidase Genes
- 論文の詳細を見る
- 2008-12-25
Kondo Akihiko
Dep. Of Chemical Sci. And Engineering Graduate School Of Engineering Kobe Univ.
Tanaka Tsutomu
Organization Of Advanced Science And Technology Kobe University
SAITOH Satoshi
Toyota Biotechnology & Afforestation Laboratory, Toyota Motor Co.
Kondo Akihiko
Department Of Applied Chemistry Faculty Of Engineering Kyushu Institute Of Technology
- Enhancement of β-glucosidase activity on the cell-surface of sake yeast by disruption of SED1(GENETICS, MOLECULAR BIOLOGY, AND GENE ENGINEERING)
- バイオマスからのバイオ燃料生産に向けた戦略 (特集 バイオマスからの有用物質生産プロセス最前線)
- Production of Bionanocapsules in Immobilized Insect Cell Culture Using Porous Biomass Support Particles(CELL AND TISSUE ENGINEERING)
- 1分子1細胞アッセイ技術に基づく生物工学の最近の潮流(第62回大会シンポジウム報告)
- 3P-1011 ワイン酵母OC-2トリプルマーカー株をプラットフォームとした高β-グルコシダーゼ活性と高キシロシダーゼ活性を持つキシロース発酵酵母の作製(1b遺伝子工学,一般講演,遺伝学,分子生物学および遺伝子工学,伝統の技と先端科学技術の融合)
- 3P-1180 Affibody提示ナノカプセルを用いたHER2発現癌細胞特異的な薬物送達(6a生物化学工学,一般講演,生物化学工学,伝統の技と先端科学技術の融合)
- 2S-Ba04 全自動1細胞単離装置の開発(1分子1細胞アッセイ技術に基づく生物工学の最近の潮流,シンポジウム,伝統の技と先端科学技術の融合)
- 3P-2082 過酸化チタンナノ粒子及び低線量X線照射を併用した深部ガンの非侵襲的治療法の開発(8a 生体医用工学,人工臓器,一般演題,動物バイオテクノロジー,伝統の技と先端科学技術の融合)
- 3P-2044 イオン液体を利用したバイオマスの前処理・糖化・発酵技術の開発(その4)(5c バイオマス,資源,エネルギー工学,一般演題,環境バイオテクノロジー,伝統の技と先端科学技術の融合)
- 3P-2042 イオン液体を利用したバイオマスの前処理・糖化・発酵技術の開発(その2)(5c バイオマス,資源,エネルギー工学,一般演題,環境バイオテクノロジー,伝統の技と先端科学技術の融合)
- 2P-2047 セルラーゼ発現バランス最適化酵母を用いたセルロースからのエタノール発酵(5c バイオマス,資源,エネルギー工学,一般演題,環境バイオテクノロジー,伝統の技と先端科学技術の融合)
- 2S-Ba05 1細胞アッセイ技術に基づくGPCR解析、アゴニスト探索法の開発(1分子1細胞アッセイ技術に基づく生物工学の最近の潮流,シンポジウム,伝統の技と先端科学技術の融合)
- 3P-1049 超好熱菌Thermotoga neapolitana由来耐熱性β-1,3-キシラナーゼの機能解析(2a酵素学,酵素工学,一般講演,酵素学,タンパク質工学および酵素工学,伝統の技と先端科学技術の融合)
- EP-P27 Site-specific streptavidin modification using sortase(Section VII Enzyme and Protein Engineering)
- EP-O1 Enzyme-mediated site-specific protein modification(Section VII Enzyme and Protein Engineering)
- Use of a Substrate as an Encapsulated Marker for Liposome Immunoassay
- Direct Ethanol Production from Barley β-Glucan by Sake Yeast Displaying Aspergillus oryzae β-Glucosidase and Endoglucanase(MICROBIAL PHYSIOLOGY AND BIOTECHNOLOGY)
- 3P-2043 イオン液体を利用したバイオマスの前処理・糖化・発酵技術の開発(その3)(5c バイオマス,資源,エネルギー工学,一般演題,環境バイオテクノロジー,伝統の技と先端科学技術の融合)
- Enhancement of Ethanol Production by Promoting Surface Contact between Starch Granules and Arming Yeast in Direct Ethanol Fermentation(BIOCHEMICAL ENGINEERING)
- The Effect of Pyruvate Decarboxylase Gene Knockout in Saccharomyces cerevisiae on L-Lactic Acid Production
- D-Lactic Acid Production by Metabolically Engineered Saccharomyces cerevisiae(MICROBIAL PHYSIOLOGY AND BIOTECHNOLOGY)
- 3P-1048 麹菌による超好熱菌Thermotoga neapolitana由来耐熱性β-1,3-キシラナーゼの高分泌生産(2a酵素学,酵素工学,一般講演,酵素学,タンパク質工学および酵素工学,伝統の技と先端科学技術の融合)
- Single-Step Purification and Characterization of MBP(Maltose Binding Protein)-DnaJ Fusion Protein and Its Utilization for Structure-Function Analysis
- Production of MBP(Maltose Binding Protein)-GroES Fusion Protein and Utilization to Stimulate GroEL-Mediated Protein Refolding
- Effect of Oxidized and Reduced Forms of Escherichia coli DsbC on Protein Refolding
- Improvement of Productivity of Active Horseradish Peroxidase in Escherichia coli by Coexpression of Dsb Proteins
- BE-O21 New SELEX strategy for screening of DNA aptamer by AFM(Section V Biomolecular Engineering and Bioseparation)
- Deletion of MCD4 Involved in Glycosylphosphatidylinositol (GPI) Anchor Synthesis Leads to an Increase in β-1,6-Glucan Level and a Decrease in GPI-Anchored Protein and Mannan Levels in the Cell Wall of Saccharomyces cerevisiae(Microbial Physiology and Biot
- Efficient Immobilization of Protein on Monodispersed Colloidal Silica Particles Modified by Copolymers of Maleic Anhydride and Styrene or Methyl Methacrylate
- MN-P30 Expression and signaling analyses of human G protein-coupled receptor in yeast(Section X Micro/Nano Technology for Analysis and Cell Manipulation)
- MN-P18 Investigation of the interaction between GPCR and ligand by AFM equipped with bio-molecule modified cantilever(Section X Micro/Nano Technology for Analysis and Cell Manipulation)
- EP-P31 Enzymatic protein conjugation in vivo(Section VII Enzyme and Protein Engineering)
- EP-P29 Enzyme-mediated antibody-protein conjugation(Section VII Enzyme and Protein Engineering)
- EP-P28 Functional analysis of mutant human somatostatin receptor using a yeast-based fluorescence reporter assay(Section VII Enzyme and Protein Engineering)
- EP-P26 Site-specific protein modification with functional molecule using novel enzyme(Section VII Enzyme and Protein Engineering)
- BE-P21 Screening of DNA aptamers that recognize amino acid by AFM-SELEX strategy(Section V Biomolecular Engineering and Bioseparation)
- BE-O13 Construction of a novel detection system for protein-protein interactions using yeast G-protein signaling(Section V Biomolecular Engineering and Bioseparation)
- Yeast-Based Fluorescence Reporter Assay of G Protein-coupled Receptor Signalling for Flow Cytometric Screening : FAR1-Disruption Recovers Loss of Episomal Plasmid Caused by Signalling in Yeast
- Reaction Properties of Immobilized Catalytic Antibodies That Deprotect Acylated Carbohydrates
- Preparation of Yeast Strains Displaying IgG Binding Domain ZZ and Enhanced Green Fluorescend Protein for Novel Antigen Detection Systems
- 2P-1106 放線菌を用いた様々なタンパクの大量分泌系の構築(3a発酵生理学,発酵工学,一般講演,代謝生理学・発酵生産,伝統の技と先端科学技術の融合)
- Biotinylated Bionanocapsules for Displaying Diverse Ligands Toward Cell-specific Delivery
- MN-P17 Enzyme-mediated protein immobilization on particles(Section X Micro/Nano Technology for Analysis and Cell Manipulation)
- BR-P14 Efficient homo D-lactic acid production from xylose(Section IV Biorefinery)
- BR-P12 Efficient D-lactic acid production from raw starch(Section IV Biorefinery)
- Using promoter replacement and selection for loss of heterozygosity to generate an industrially applicable sake yeast strain that homozygously overproduces isoamyl acetate(GENETICS, MOLECULAR BIOLOGY, AND GENE ENGINEERING)
- Lipase Localization in Rhizopus oryzae Cells Immobilized within Biomass Support Particles for Use as Whole-Cell Biocatalysts in Biodiesel-Fuel Production(ENZYMOLOGY, PROTEIN ENGINEERING, AND ENZYME TECHNOLOGY)
- Preparation of High-Activity Whole Cell Biocatalysts by Permeabilization of Recombinant Yeasts with Alcohol
- Evaluation of the Biodegradability of Polyurethane and Its Derivatives by Using Lipase-Displaying Arming Yeast
- BR-P23 Biodiesel production using whole-cell biocatalyst of Aspergillus oryzae coexpression lipases(Section IV Biorefinery)
- BR-P26 Direct fermentation of cellulosic materials to ethanol using yeast strains codisplaying three types of cellulolytic enzyme(Section IV Biorefinery)
- BR-P22 Efficient repeated batch fermentation from raw starch by novel yeast expressing transporter gene and amylase genes(Section IV Biorefinery)
- BR-P20 Integrated and energy-saving biodiesel fuel production using fungus whole-cell biocatalyst(Section IV Biorefinery)
- BR-P19 Efficient and practical ethanol production from high yield rice by amylase expressing Saccharomyces cerevisiae(Section IV Biorefinery)
- BR-P18 Development of novel cell-surface display system of Aspergillus oryzae using chitin binding domain(Section IV Biorefinery)
- BR-P17 Efficient ethanol production from xylose by mated diploid Saccharomyces cerevisiae(Section IV Biorefinery)
- BR-P16 Efficient biodiesel production using whole-cell biocatalyst employing a lipase high expression system(Section IV Biorefinery)
- BR-P15 Engineering of endoglucanase expression system for Corynebacterium glutamicum(Section IV Biorefinery)
- Ester synthesis reaction with CALB displaying yeast whole cell biocatalyst : Effect of organic solvent and initial water content(ENZYMOLOGY, PROTEIN ENGINEERING, AND ENZYME TECHNOLOGY)
- A Simple and Immediate Method for Simultaneously Evaluating Expression Level and Plasmid Maintenance in Yeast
- Specific Protein Delivery to Target Cells by Antibody-displaying Bionanocapsules
- Efficient Production of L-(+)-Lactic Acid from Raw Starch by Streptococcus bovis 148(MICROBIAL PHYSIOLOGY AND BIOTECHNOLOGY)
- Biodiesel Fuel Production by Transesterification of Oils
- Effect of Methanol and Water Contents on Production of Biodiesel Fuel from Plant Oil Catalyzed by Various Lipases in a Solvent-Free System
- Pretreatment of Immobilized Candida antarctica Lipase for Biodiesel Fuel Production from Plant Oil
- Biodiesel Fuel Production from Plant Oil Catalyzed by Rhizopus oryzae Lipase in a Water-Containing System without an Organic Solvent
- Breeding of Industrial Diploid Yeast Strain with Chromosomal Integration of Multiple β-Glucosidase Genes(GENETICS, MOLECULAR BIOLOGY, AND GENE ENGINEERING)
- BP-P10 Affibody displaying bionanocapsules for HER2 specific drug delivery(Section II Biopharmaceuticals Production)
- BM-P15 Antibody-immobilized TiO_2 nanoparticles for cancer therapy(Section III Biomedical Engineering)
- Metabolic pathway engineering by plastid transformation is a powerful tool for production of compounds in higher plants
- バイオマスからの効率的なバイオ燃料の生産技術 (特集 本格化するバイオマスエネルギー開発)
- Efficient and Direct Fermentation of Starch to Ethanol by Sake Yeast Strains Displaying Fungal Glucoamylases
- Control of signalling properties of human somatostatin receptor subtype-5 by additional signal sequences on its amino-terminus in yeast
- Importance of asparagine residues at positions 13 and 26 on the amino-terminal domain of human somatostatin receptor subtype-5 in signalling
- Production of Glucoamylase by Passively Immobilized Cells of a Flocculent Yeast, Saccharomyces diastaticus
- 熱応答性磁性ナノ粒子のバイオ分野への応用
- Immunological Agglutination Behavior of Latex Particles with Covalently Immobilized Antibodies
- Preparation of Immobilized Papain Using Thermosensitive Latex Particles
- Preparation of Thermo-Sensitive Magnetic Hydrogel Microspheres and Application to Enzyme Immobilization
- BM-P13 Split-ubiquitin system for analyzing oligomerization of G protein-coupled receptor(Section III Biomedical Engineering)
- Development of a novel aptamer-based sensing system using atomic force microscopy(METHODS)
- Variation in Biomass Properties among Rice Diverse Cultivars
- 1Ap14 イオン液体を利用したバイオマスの前処理・糖化・発酵技術の開発(バイオマス・資源・エネルギー工学,一般講演)
- 3Ea10 マウス嗅覚受容体の出芽酵母での機能的発現におけるN末端およびC末端配列置換の効果(タンパク質工学/脂質工学,一般講演)
- 1Ep12 麹菌Aspergillus oryzaeによる超好熱菌Thermotoga neapolitana由来耐熱性β-1,4-マンナナーゼの生産(酵素学・酵素工学/タンパク質工学/糖鎖工学,一般講演)
- 3La06 麹菌Aspergillus oryzaeを用いたラクダ由来一本鎖抗体可変部位V_の生産(抗体工学/システムバイオロジー/センサー・計測工学,一般講演)
- 11 シアノバクテリアでのオルタナティブ・エレクトロン・フロー(AEF)評価系の確立(関西支部講演会,2010年度各支部会講演要旨)
- Widely targeted metabolic profiling analysis of yeast central metabolites(METHODS)
- Direct isopropanol production from cellobiose by engineered Escherichia coli using a synthetic pathway and a cell surface display system(BIOCHEMICAL ENGINEERING)
- 合成生物工学によるバイオ燃料生産のための微生物細胞工場の創製(バイオリファイナリーの今,そして未来,バイオ技術10年の軌跡,創立90周年記念特別企画)
- バイオリファイナリーとバイオプラスチック (特集 バイオプラスチックの現状と今後の展望)
- 特集によせて(バイオリファイナリーの今,そして未来,バイオ技術10年の軌跡,創立90周年記念特別企画)
- Sugar consumption and ethanol fermentation by transporter-overexpressed xylose-metabolizing Saccharomyces cerevisiae harboring a xyloseisomerase pathway(BIOCHEMICAL ENGINEERING)
- Breeding of Industrial Diploid Yeast Strain with Chromosomal Integration of Multiple β-Glucosidase Genes
- 4Ca11 出芽酵母を用いた嗅覚受容体リガンドアッセイシステムの最適化(酵素学,酵素工学/タンパク質工学,一般講演)
- 4Ha05 放線菌バイオマス分解酵素ライブラリの構築及び新規高分泌シグナルの探索(生物化学工学,一般講演)
- 4Hp06 イオン液体耐性セルラーゼの探索と機能解析(生物化学工学/バイオマス,資源,エネルギー工学,一般講演)
- 4Dp13 エンドグルカナーゼ分泌生産型放線菌によるセルロースからの安息香酸生産(発酵生理学,発酵工学,一般講演)
- 革新的なものづくり実現のための「合成生物工学」(新しい資源の創出に向かって-合成生物工学の隆起-)