Association study of ubiquitin-specific peptidase 46 (USP46) with bipolar disorder and schizophrenia in a Japanese population
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- Nature Publishing Groupの論文
- 2010-03-01
森 則夫
Division Of Psychological Medicine Institute Of Psychiatry
森 則夫
浜松医科大学 精神神経医学教室
森 則夫
浜松医科大学 精神神経医学
森 則夫
浜松医科大学 医学部 精神神経医学 講座
Laboratory for Molecular Psychiatry, RIKEN Brain Science Institute
Kikuchi Mitsuru
Department Of Clinical Laboratory Toride Kyodo General Hospital
Yoshikawa Takeo
Laboratory For Molecular Psychiatry Riken Brain Science Institute
Yoshikawa Takeo
Osaka City University Medical School
Yoshikawa Takeo
Laboratory For Molecular Psychiatry Brain Science Institute Riken
Kato Tadafumi
The Institute Of Physical And Chemical Research Riken
Iwata Nakao
Department Of Psychiatry Graduate School Of Medicine Fujita Health University
Iwata Nakao
Department Of Pharmacology Nagoya University School Of Medicine
Inada Toshiya
Seiwa Hospital Institute Of Neuropsychiatry
Ito Yoshihito
Department Of Environmental Science And Technology Tokyo Institute Of Technology
Nanko Shinichiro
Department Of Psychiatry And Genome Research Center Teikyo University School Of Medicine
Mori Norio
Department Of Neuropsychiatry Fukushima Medical College
Ujike Hiroshi
Department Of Neuropsychiatry Okayama University Graduate School Of Medicine And Dentistry
Department of Psychiatry, Graduate School of Medicine, Nagoya University
Branko Aleksic
Department Of Psychiatry Graduate School Of Medicine Nagoya University
中村 和彦
The Department Of Psychiatry And Neurology Hamamatsu University School Of Medicine
Kunugi Hiroshi
Department Of Mental Disorder Research National Institute Of Neuroscience National Center Of Neurolo
Suzuki Michio
Department Of Agricultural Chemistry Faculty Of Agriculture Tohoku University
Nakamura Kazuhiko
Department Of Applied Cheimistry Faculty Of Engineering Oita University
Ozaki Norio
Department Of Developmental Neurobiology Tohoku University Graduate School Of Medicine
Department of Psychiatry, Graduate School of Medicine, Nagoya University
Department of Psychiatry, Graduate School of Medicine, Nagoya University
KUNUGI Hiroshi
National Center of Neurology and Psychiatry, Mental Disorder Research, National Institute of Neuroscience
KATO Tadafumi
Laporatory for Molecular Dynamics of Mental Disorders, RIKEN Brain Science Institute
Ujike Hiroshi
Department Of Neuropsychiatry Okayama University Graduate School Of Medicine Dentistry And Pharmaceutical Science
Kunugi Hiroshi
National Center Of Neurology And Psychiatry Mental Disorder Research National Institute Of Neuroscience
Kushima Itaru
Department Of Psychiatry Graduate School Of Medicine Nagoya University
Kato Tadafumi
Laporatory For Molecular Dynamics Of Mental Disorders Riken Brain Science Institute
Yoshikawa Takeo
Laboratory For Molecular Psychiatry
Nakamura Yukako
Department Of Psychiatry Graduate School Of Medicine Nagoya University
Department of Neuropsychiatry, University of Toyama
Kikuchi Mitsuru
Department of Biophysical Genetics, Graduate School of Medicine, Kanazawa University
Nakamura Kazuhiko
Department of Applied Biological Sciences, Nihon University
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