An Increase of cell proliferation in the early post-irradiation phase in the hippocampus of the adult cynomolgus monkey (Macaca fascicularis)(Basic Medicine)
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The numbers of brain tumors survivors who receive whole-brain irradiation (WBI) develop progressive cognitive dysfunction. WBI-induced decrease in neurogenesis in hippocampus is involved in the delayed cognitive impairment. Considerable data suggests that the continuous suppression of neurogenesis may be due to the activated microglia. To clarify the mechanisms of the radiation-induced deficits in cognitive function, we studied an early response of the hippocampal proliferating cells to the WBI. Adult cynomolgus monkeys received fractionated WBI with the total dose of 15Gy and 30Gy. The animals were administrated with BrdU to label proliferating cells five days after the WBI and sacrificed on the next day. The density of proliferating cells in the hippocampus was significantly increased (ANOVA, F=23, df=2, 9, p=0.0003). Comparing to the sham-irradiation, proliferation were elevated by 6.3 and 12.6 times with 15Gy and 30Gy, respectively. However, there is no BrdU (+) cells co-labeled with Iba1, which is a marker of microglia. The radiation-induced cell proliferation in the hippocampus may play a contributory role in the pathogenesis of late delayed cognitive dysfunction after the WBI.
- 日本脳科学会の論文
森 則夫
Division Of Psychological Medicine Institute Of Psychiatry
森 則夫
浜松医科大学 精神神経医学教室
森 則夫
浜松医科大学 精神神経医学
森 則夫
浜松医科大学 医学部 精神神経医学 講座
Iwayama-shigeno Yoshimi
Laboratory For Molecular Psychiatry Riken Brain Science Institute
Iwata Yasuhide
Department Of Chemistry And Biochemistry Graduate School Of Engineering Kyushu University
Tooyama Ikuo
Molecular Neuroscience Research Center Shiga University Of Medical Science
Mori Norio
Department Of Neuropsychiatry Fukushima Medical College
Iwata Yasuhide
Department Of Neuropsychiatry Fukushima Medical College
Takebayashi Kiyokazu
Research for Child Mental Development, Hamamatsu University School of Medicine
Takagai Shu
The Department of Psychiatry and Neurology, Hamamatsu University School of Medicine
Takagai Shu
The Department Of Psychiatry And Neurology Hamamatsu University School Of Medicine
Takebayashi Kiyokazu
Research For Child Mental Development (ks Kt Ki Kjt And Hm) Hamamatsu University School Of Medicine
Yamamoto Shigeyuki
Osaka-Hamamatsu Joint Center for Child Mental Development, Hamamatsu University School of Medicine
Takagai Shu
Department of Psychiatry and Neurology, Hamamatsu University School of Medicine
Takebayashi Kiyokazu
Department of Psychiatry and Neurology, Hamamatsu University School of Medicine
Yamamoto Shigeyuki
Osaka-hamamatsu Joint Center For Child Mental Development Hamamatsu University School Of Medicine
Iwata Yasuhide
Department Of Psychiatry And Neurology Hamamatsu University School Of Medicine
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- An Increase of cell proliferation in the early post-irradiation phase in the hippocampus of the adult cynomolgus monkey (Macaca fascicularis)(Basic Medicine)
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- 私がめざした精神療法と浜松医大の森田療法
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