日本脳科学会 | 論文
- The experience of preventing infections after 11578 cases of craniotomy operations
- Effect of lesion of unilateral dentate nucleus upon amygdaloid kindling in rats
- Collection of CD34 positive cell methodology
- Effect of melamine on GABAergic synaptic activity in infant rat hippocampal slices
- Diagnosis and treatment of Rhino-Orbital-Cerebral Mucormycosis : one case report
- ESR spectroscopy for analysis of intrastriatal antioxidant ability in the model of hemi-parkinsonism and the effect of methamphetamine administration.
- Analysis of the Methodology of Rabbit's Brain Tissue Transplantation Experiment
- Autodigestion with Molecular and Microvascular Dysfunction in Hypertension : Protease Activity and Receptor Cleavage.
- Elimination of nitroxide radical dialyzed in the hippocampus during kainate-induced seizure in rats
- An Increase of cell proliferation in the early post-irradiation phase in the hippocampus of the adult cynomolgus monkey (Macaca fascicularis)(Basic Medicine)
- Atorvastatin decreased plasma lysophosphatidic acid level in patients with ischemic stroke
- 当帰芍薬散(TJ-23)のラジカル消去作用について
- キンドリングの刺激前後に於ける海馬内γ-アミノ酪酸の放出量の動態変化
- Free radical scavenging activity of the Japanese herbal medicine, Toki-Shakuyaku-San (TJ-23)
- Nitroprusside Inhibits Kindling Development and Potentiates Excitatory Amino Acid Exocytosis in the Kindling Rat
- A seizure triggering mechanism of spontaneous epileptiform potential in the hippocampus
- Enhanced expression of glutamate-aspartate transporter (GLAST) mRNA in the hippocampus and frontal cortex of rats during kainic acid-induced seizure activity