A Recognition Method for One-Stroke Finger Gestures Using a MEMS 3D Accelerometer
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Automatic recognition of finger gestures can be used for promotion of life quality. For example, a senior citizen can control the home appliance, call for help in emergency, or even communicate with others through simple finger gestures. Here, we focus on one-stroke finger gesture, which are intuitive to be remembered and performed. In this paper, we proposed and evaluated an accelerometer-based method for detecting the predefined one-stroke finger gestures from the data collected using a MEMS 3D accelerometer worn on the index finger. As alternative to the optoelectronic, sonic and ultrasonic approaches, the accelerometer-based method is featured as self-contained, cost-effective, and can be used in noisy or private space. A compact wireless sensing mote integrated with the accelerometer, called MagicRing, is developed to be worn on the finger for real data collection. A general definition on one-stroke gesture is given out, and 12 kinds of one-stroke finger gestures are selected from human daily activities. A set of features is extracted among the candidate feature set including both traditional features like standard deviation, energy, entropy, and frequency of acceleration and a new type of feature called relative feature. Both subject-independent and subject-dependent experiment methods were evaluated on three kinds of representative classifiers. In the subject-independent experiment among 20 subjects, the decision tree classifier shows the best performance recognizing the finger gestures with an average accuracy rate for 86.92%. In the subject-dependent experiment, the nearest neighbor classifier got the highest accuracy rate for 97.55%.
- (社)電子情報通信学会の論文
- 2011-05-01
程 子学
Jing Lei
Graduate School Of Computer Science And Engineering University Of Aizu
Cheng Zixue
School Of Computer Science And Engineering The University Of Aizu
WANG Junbo
Graduate School of Computer Science and Engineering, University of Aizu
Wang Junbo
Graduate School Of Computer Science And Engineering University Of Aizu
School of Computer Science and Engineering, University of Aizu
ZHOU Yinghui
Graduate School of Computer Science and Engineering, University of Aizu
Zhou Yinghui
Graduate School Of Computer Science And Engineering University Of Aizu
Jing Lei
School Of Computer Science And Engineering University Of Aizu
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