Carbon metabolism in the Calvin cycle
- 論文の詳細を見る
In order to study the regulation of photosynthetic carbon flow in higher plants, many researchers have created and analyzed transgenic plants that had reduced or increased respective enzyme activity involved in the Calvin cycle, sucrose synthesis and starch metabolism. We have succeeded in enhancing the photosynthetic carbon fixation capacity by introducing certain enzymes, fructose-1,6-bisphosphatase and/or sedoheptulose-1,7-bisphosphatase, involved in the Calvin cycle. In this review, we discuss that the contribution of some enzymes and processes to controlling the metabolic flux and storage of carbohydrates and plant growth using transgenic plants. These results lead to a reassessment of ideas about the regulation of carbon metabolism and have consequences for design of bioengineering strategies to increase crop productivity in plants.
- 日本植物細胞分子生物学会の論文
- 2005-12-01
Sano Satoshi
Research Institute Of Innovative Technology For The Earth (rite):(present Address)faculty Of Biologi
Yabuta Yukinori
School Of Agricultural Biological And Environmental Sciences Fac. Of Agriculture Tottori Univ.
YABUTA Yukinori
Department of Food and Nutrition, Faculty of Agriculture, Kinki University
Maruta Takanori
Dep. Of Advanced Bioscience Fac. Of Agriculture Kinki Univ.
Tamoi Masahiro
Department Of Advanced Bioscience Faculty Of Agriculture Kinki University
Shigeoka Shigeru
Department Of Advanced Bioscience Faculty Of Agriculture Kinki University
Takagi Masahiro
School Of Material Science Japan Advanced Institute Of Science And Technology
Shigeoka Shigeru
Dept. Adv. Biosci. Fac. Agr. Kinki Univ
Maruta Takanori
Department Of Food And Nutrition Faculty Of Agriculture Kinki University
Department of Advanced Bioscience, Faculty of Agriculture, Kinki University
Nagaoka Miki
Department Of Advanced Bioscience Faculty Of Agriculture Kinki University
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