Development of a Novel Tag-Probe System for Fluorescent Imaging of Proteins in Living Cells
- 論文の詳細を見る
- 2009-03-01
Murakami T
Kyoto Univ. Kyoto
Nomura Wataru
Institute Of Biomaterials And Bioengineering Tokyo Medical And Dental University
Tanaka Tomohiro
Institute Of Biomaterials And Bioengineering Tokyo Medical And Dental University
束村 博子
名古屋大学 大学院生命農学研究科生殖科学研究分野
束村 博子
束村 博子
Tsukamura Hiroko
Laboratory Of Animal Reproduction School Of Agricultural Sciences Nagoya University
Mukai T
九州大学 大学院薬学研究院
Mukai Takahiro
京都大学 薬学研究科病態機能分析学
Mukai Takahiro
Graduate School Of Medicine Kyoto University
Institute of Biomaterials and Bioengineering, Tokyo Medical and Dental University
Institute of Biomaterials and Bioengineering, Tokyo Medical and Dental University
Institute of Biomaterials and Bioengineering, Tokyo Medical and Dental University
Mori Tomohiko
Institute Of Biomaterials And Bioengineering Tokyo Medical And Dental University
Hoshino Tyuji
Grad. Sch. Of Pharm. Chiba University
AIDS Research Center, National Institute of Infectious Diseases
ABE Seiichiro
Institute of Biomaterials and Bioengineering, Tokyo Medical and Dental University
MINO Tomoaki
Institute of Biomaterials and Bioengineering, Tokyo Medical and Dental University
Tamamura H
Institute Of Biomaterials And Bioengineering Tokyo Medical And Dental University
Tamamura Hirokazu
Faculty Of Pharmaceutical Sciences Kyoto University
Tamamura Hirokazu
Dept. Of Molecular Recognition Inst. Of Biomaterials And Bioengineering Tokyo Medical And Dental Uni
Tamamura Hirokazu
Department Of Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Graduate School Of Pharmaceutical Science Kyoto Universit
Murakami Tsutomu
Tokyo Medical And Dental University School Of Medicine
Tsutsumi Hiroshi
Institute Of Biomaterials And Bioengineering Tokyo Medical And Dental University
Hamatake Makiko
Aids Research Center National Institute Of Infectious Diseases
Ohashi Nami
Institute Of Biomaterials And Bioengineering Tokyo Medical And Dental University
Abe Seiichiro
Institute Of Biomaterials And Bioengineering Tokyo Medical And Dental University
Mukuno Takashi
The Graduate School Of National Science And Technology Okayama University
Hatada Makiko
Center For Aids Research Kumamoto University
Tamamura Hirokazu
Institute Of Biomaterials And Bioengineering Tokyo Medical And Dental University
Institute of Biomaterials and Bioengineering, Tokyo Medical and Dental University
- 生殖を司る神経ペプチド、メタスチン/キスペプチン
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- メタスチン metastin (キスペプチン kisspeptin)とGnRH分泌
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- 生理的GnRH放出因子,メタスチン(キスペプチン)の基礎と応用
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- パネルディスカッション 男女共同参画の明るい未来に向けて (特集 学術分野における男女共同参画促進のために)
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- Development of Peptide Tools for Fluorescence Imaging of Proteins in Living Cells
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- Kidney- and Site-Selective Delivery of 5-Fluorouracil Utilizing the Absorption on the Kidney Surface in Rats
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- Effect of Carboxylation of N-Terminal Phenylalamne of ^In-DTPA (Diethylenetriaminepentaacetic Acid)-Octreotide on Accumulation of Radioactivity in Kidney(Communications to the Editor)
- 環境因子によるパルス状黄体形成ホルモン(LH)分泌調節の神経内
- 皆さんの職場では「男女共同参画社会」は実現していますか?
- 研究室の動物達 その4 ラボラトリーラットRattus norvegicus
- 名古屋大学における男女共同参画推進の取組み(男女共同参画のページ)
- A Novel Method for Preparation of Animal Models of Liver Damage: Liver Targeting of Carbon Tetrachloride in Rats
- Biodistribution and Pharmacokinetics of O-Palmitoyl Tilisolol, a Lipophilic Prodrug of Tilisolol, after Intravenous Administration in Rats
- Continuous Microinstillation of Phenol Red on Liver Surface for Liver Site-Selective Delivery
- Modification of Ocular Permeability of Peptide Drugs by Absorption Promoters
- Pharmacokinetic Prediction of the Ocular Absorption of an Instilled Drug with Ophthalmic Viscous Vehicle
- Characterization of Ocular Pharmacokinetics of Tilisolol after Instillation into Anesthetized Rabbits
- Topical Delivery System of Ophthalimic Drugs by Periocular Injection with Viscous Solution
- Drug Absorption Behavior after Periocular Injections
- Development of Low Molecular Weight CXCR4 Antagonists by Exploratory Structural Tuning of Cyclic Tetrapeptide-scaffolds
- 4-(Dimethylamino)phenacyl Group : New Photoremovable Protecting Group for Amines and Carboxylic Acids
- Development of Inhibitory Peptides against HIV-1 Integrase
- Structure-Activity Relationship Study of CXCR4 Antagonists on the Cyclic Pentapeptide Scaffold : Identification of New Pharmacophore Moieties
- Development of Fluorescent Labeled CXCR4 Specific Ligand for Imaging and Fluorescence-Based Screening
- Small-Sized CD4 Mimics Targeted for Dynamic Supramolecular Mechanism of HIV-1 Entry
- Fluorescent Labeling for PKC delta C1b Domain and Its Application to Sensing Biology
- Development of Caged Diacylglycerol-Lactone Derivatives and Their Applications
- Site-Selective Cytosine Methylation By A Split DNA Methylase
- Development of a Novel Tag-Probe System for Fluorescent Imaging of Proteins in Living Cells
- Simultaneous Observation of the GnRH Pulse Generator Activity and Plasma Concentrations of Metabolites and Insulin during Fasting and Subsequent Refeeding Periods in Shiba Goats
- Prominent Expression of Spinocerebellar Ataxia Type-1 (SCA1) Gene Encoding Ataxin-1 in LH-Producing Cells, LβT2
- Synthesis of β-Secretase Inhibitors Containing a Hydroxyethylamine Dipeptide Isostere and their Structure-activity Relationship Studies
- Expression of Porcine FSHβ Subunit Promoter-driven Herpes Simplex Virus Thymidine Kinase Gene in Transgenic Rats
- Involvement of Anteroventral Periventricular Metastin/Kisspeptin Neurons in Estrogen Positive Feedback Action on Luteinizing Hormone Release in Female Rats
- 周排卵期の神経内分泌
- 1995年度島村賞受賞講演論文 : 黄体形成ホルモンのパルス状分泌を制御する中枢機構
- Analysis of Pulsatile and Surge-like Luteinizing Hormone Secretion with Frequent Blood Sampling in Female Mice
- Development of a Bivalent Ligand for a Chemokine Receptor CXCR4 by Utilizing Polyproline Helix as a Linker
- 男女共同参画の明るい未来に向けて
- Synthesis and Evaluation of CXCR4-derived Peptides Targeting the Development of AIDS Vaccines
- 雌ラットにおけるアロキサン第4脳室内投与がパルス状黄体形成ホルモン分泌に及ぼす影響
- Functional Characterization of Kisspeptin Receptor Ligands : Activation of Neuropeptide FF Receptors
- Novel Tag-probe Pairs for Fluorescent Imaging of Proteins in Living Cells
- Involvement of brain ketone bodies and the noradrenergic pathway in diabetic hyperphagia in rats
- Central Injection of Ketone Body Suppresses Luteinizing Hormone Release via the Catecholaminergic Pathway in Female Rats
- 生殖機能の環境による調節 : その神経内分泌学的機序
- Involvement of Neurokinin Receptors in the Control of Pulsatile Luteinizing Hormone Secretion in Rats
- 視床下部弓状核はグルタミン酸によるGnRH放出を促進するエストロジェンの効果を仲介する
- キスペプチン/メタスチン-繁殖を制御する新規神経ペプチド
- Analysis of Pulsatile and Surge-like Luteinizing Hormone Secretion with Frequent Blood Sampling in Female Mice
- Intense Blue Fluorescence of Tag-Probe Systems Based on a Leucine Zipper Assembly
- Designed Antigens Based on the Dynamic Structural Changes of gp41 for Development of Effective HIV -1 Vaccines
- Development of Designed Bivalent Ligands for CXCR4 and Their Function on Receptor Binding
- 腟内留置型プロジェステロン製剤(PRID)を用いたブタの発情同期化
- 男女共同参画推進による科学技術分野の活性化のために