Effectiveness of Comprehensive Health Education Combining Lifestyle Education and Hot Spa Bathing for Male White-Collar Employees : A Randomized Controlled Trial with 1-Year Follow-Up
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Background: Physical activity is known to prevent obesity and metabolic syndrome in middle-aged and elderly people; however, the effectiveness of a comprehensive health education program for male white-collar employees is uncertain.Methods: Forty-three men volunteered to participate in this study and were randomly assigned into 2 groups. The intervention group participated in a 2-hour program comprising comprehensive health education and hot spa bathing, offered once every 2 weeks, in addition to individualized programs once a week, for 24 weeks. The control group received only general health guidance. We compared their lifestyle characteristics and physical and mental health criteria at baseline, immediately after the intervention, and 1 year after the end of the intervention.Results: Rates of adherence to individualized programs were 60.0 ± 27.2% and 30.5 ± 29.6% at the end of the intervention and at 1 year after the end of the intervention, respectively. Significant (P < 0.05) interaction of criteria was observed for cluster of differentiation 4+ (CD4+) cells and the ratio of cluster of differentiation 4+ to 8+ (CD4/8) cells, which were used to represent the participants immunological function. We divided the intervention group into 2 subgroups on the basis of their attendance. Among the resulting 3 groups, significant interaction of criteria was observed for CD4+ and CD4/8 cells. In addition, the high attendance group had the highest CD4+ count and CD4/8 ratio.Conclusions: Participants who attended classes and/or performed the supplementary individualized programs tended to maintain their immunological function and to experience a decrease in body fat percentage. However, few effects were noted in participants with poor adherence, even in the intervention group.
- 日本疫学会の論文
- 2009-09-01
Nakamura Yosikazu
Department of Public Health, Jichi Medical University
KAMIOKA Hiroharu
Faculty of Regional Environment Science, Tokyo University of Agriculture
MUTOH Yoshiteru
Department of Physical and Health Education, Graduate School of Education, The University of Tokyo
OKADA Shinpei
Physical Education and Medicine Research Foundation
Physical Education and Medicine Research Center Unnan
KAMADA Masamitsu
Physical Education and Medicine Research Center Unnan
HONDA Takuya
Department of Physical and Health Education, Graduate School of Education, The University of Tokyo
Jichi Medical School
Nakamura Yosikazu
岡山大学 医歯薬学総合研究科衛生学・予防医学
Honda Takuya
Department Of Physical And Health Education Graduate School Of Education The University Of Tokyo
Nakamura Yosikazu
Department Of Health Science Division Of Epidemiology And Community Health Jichi Medical School
Mutoh Yoshiteru
Department Of Physical And Health Education Graduate School Of Education The University Of Tokyo
Nakane Yoshibumi
Division Of Human Sociology Nagasaki International University Graduate School
Kamioka Hiroharu
Faculty Of Regional Environment Science Tokyo University Of Agriculture
Department of Orthopedics, Unnan Hospital
Matsui Yuzuru
Department Of Orthopedics Unnan Hospital
Nakamura Yosikazu
Dep. Of Public Health Jichi Medical Univ.
Matsui Yuzuru
Department Of Orthopedics Unnan City Hospital
MUTOH Yoshiteru
Department of Health and Physical Education, The University of Tokyo
Honda Takuya
Department of Chemical Engineering, Tokyo Institute of Technology
Okada Shinpei
Physical Education and Medicine Research Center, Tomi City
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