Kinetic Study of Radical-Scavenging and Vitamin E-Regenerating Actions of Edaravone (3-Methyl-1-phenyl-2-pyrazolin-5-one)
- 論文の詳細を見る
- Chemical Society of Japanの論文
- 2006-03-15
Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science, Ehime University
小原 敬士
Dep. Of Chemistry Fac. Of Sci. Ehime Univ.
Department of Pathology, Toranomon Hospital
Mukai Kazuo
Department Of Chemistry Faculty Of Science Ehime University
Sato Kazue
Faculty Of Pharmaceutical Sciences Teikyo University
Sato Kazue
Faculty Of Medicine Showa University
OHARA Keishi
Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science, Ehime University
Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science, Ehime University
OHARA Katsuhiko
Central Research Laboratory, Uyemura Co., Ltd.
Mukai K
Department Of Chemistry Faculty Of Science Ehime University
Ohara Keishi
Department Of Chemistry Faculty Of Science Ehime University
Mukai Kazuo
Dep. Of Chemistry Fac. Of Sci. Ehime Univ.
向井 和男
Fujii Akiko
Department Of Pathology Mitsui Memorial Hospital
Fujii Akiko
Department Of Chemistry Faculty Of Science Ehime University
Ichimura Yoko
Department Of Chemistry Faculty Of Science Ehime University
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- 2-IV-20 食品などにおける抗酸化剤によるフリーラジカル消去活性の測定法の開発(ARAC法)(一般演題要旨,第65回大会講演要旨)
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- Kinetic studies of antioxidant activity of new tocopherol model compounds in solution.
- Stopped-flow investigation of antioxidant activity of tocopherols.
- ESR Study of Spin-Spin Interactions in Verdazyl Biradicals. II
- ENDOR studies of the complexation reaction between spin-labeled crown ether and alkali metal salts.
- ESR and ENDOR studies of cation radicals derived from benzodipyran compounds. Structure and dynamic behavior of heterocyclic ring in tocopherol (vitamin E).
- ENDOR studies on low-symmetry triphenylmethyl with ortho or para-methoxy substituents.
- Sclerosing Rhabdomyosarcoma of a Chest Wall in an Adult: A Case Report and Review of the Literature
- ENDOR studies of the hyperfine interaction of phenylgalvinoxyl radicals in solution.
- CIDEP study of the photoreduction of aromatic ketones with alkoxides in alcohols.
- Optical spectra of tocopheroxyl model radicals.
- ESR 13C Hyperfine Structures of the Meta-substituted t-Butyl Biphenyl Anion Radical
- Spin label investigation of the crown ether. Complex formation between the veratrole analogue of phenoxyl-labeled benzo-15-crown-5 and alkali and alkaline earth metal salts in frozen solution.
- Experimental Studies on Characteristics of Pressure Attenuation and Recovery to Saturation for Decompressive Disturbances in Low Pressurized Water
- Anomalous Magnetic Properties of Crystalline Galvinoxyl Radical. IV. Effect of the Deuterium Substituent
- ESR Investigation of alkali metal complexes of galvinoxyl-labeled benzo-15-crown-5 in frozen solution.
- The Magnetic Properties of Verdazyl Free Radicals. VI. ESR Studies of Pairs and Triadst of the Symmetrical Triphenylverdazyl Radical in the 1,3,5-Triphenylbenzene Matrix
- ENDOR Studies on the Hindered Alkylbiphenyl Anion Radicals
- ESR and ENDOR studies of the hindered internal rotation of higher alkyl groups. 2,6-Di-t-butyl-4-alkylphenoxyl radicals.
- ESR studies of temperature dependent zero-field splitting in yang's biradical.
- 2-I-12 リポソーム膜中におけるトコトリエノール類のラジカル捕捉反応速度の測定(一般演題要旨,第66回大会講演要旨)