高等学校家庭科における「消費生活と環境」の授業開発(第1報) : 「資源・環境」に焦点を当てた授業づくりの基本的枠組みと構造
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This study aims to develop a lesson for home economics in the area of "Consumer and Environment" at the high school level In the first report of this study, we present the findings of our preliminary investigation into lessons 'Consumer and Environment' currently being taught in Japanese schools in order to investigate these lessons, we first analyzed the content of the "Course of Study" by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology published in 1999 and 2000. Second, we analyzed the content of 8 Home Economics textbooks published in 2003. Third, we analyzed the characteristics of 29 lessons about "Consumer and Environment" reported in two magazines related to Home Economics education. Finally, we constructed framework for a lesson on "Consumer and Environment" based on our findings. The findings of the preliminary investigations were as follows. 1. In the "Course of Study" by MECSST, we found the study on "Consumer and Environment" is only shows how to use consumers' own ideas in daily life, and the content does not include to rethink current lifestyle and social system by a critical view 2. On the contrary, the content of Home Economics textbooks was comprehensive including the changeover of the social system, awareness of the consumers' roles and rethinking values 3. Main topics of the lessons published in the magazines were concerning resources, garbage, recycling, and water problems. There were no lessons with the theme "Consumer and Environment" at the high school level Based on these findings, we developed a framework for a lesson with the following three factors' how to learn, recognition, and a sense of values and seven main considerations. Considering these factors and considerations, our goal is for students to become aware of environmental problems, to analyze these problems more deeply, and to form independent values concerning environmental behavior
- 日本家庭科教育学会の論文
- 2004-04-01
井元 りえ
井元 りえ
妹尾 理子
妹尾 理子
内野 紀子
妹尾 理子
内野 紀子
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