Molecular Biology of Self-incompatibility in Brassica Species
Watanabe M
Lab. Of Plant Reproductive Genetics Graduate School Of Life Sciences Tohoku Univ.
Graduate School of Agricultural and Life Sciences, The University of Tokyo
Suzuki Go
Division of Natural Science, Osaka Kyoiku University
Suzuki G
Div. Of Natural Sci. Osaka Kyoiku Univ.
Suzuki Go
Division Of Natural Science Osaka Kyoiku University
Suzuki G
Division Of Natural Science Osaka Kyoiku University
Faculty of Agriculture, Iwate University
Research Institute of Seed Production Co. Ltd
HINATA Kokichi
Research Institute of Seed Production Co. Ltd
Isogai Akira
Graduate School Of Agricultural And Life Sciences The University Of Tokyo
Hinata K
Iwate Biotechnology Research Center
Isogai Akira
Graduate School Of Agricultural And Life Science The University Of Tokyo
Watanabe Masao
Faculty Of Agriculture Iwate University
- Morphological and gene expression analysis under cool temperature conditions in rice anther development
- Novel self-compatible lines of Brassica rapa L. isolated from the Japanese bulk-populations
- Oxidation of bleached wood pulp by TEMPO/NaClO/NaClO_2 system : effect of the oxidation conditions on carboxylate content and degree of polymerization
- Immunohistochemical Studies on Translocation of Pollen S-haplotype Determinant in Self-incompatibility of Brassica rapa
- Structures and Biosynthesis of Aflastatins: Novel Inhibitors of Aflatoxin Production by Aspergillus parasiticus
- Genomic organization of the AODEF gene in Asparagus officinalis L.
- Achievement of genetics in plant reproduction research: the past decade for the coming decade
- Achievement of genetics in plant reproduction research: the past decade for the coming decade
- Ultrastructure of Papillar Cells in Brassica campestris Revealed by Liquid Helium Rapid-Freezing and Substitution-Fixation Method
- Blasticidin A as an Inhibitor of Aflatoxin Production by Aspergillus parasiticus
- Structural Analysis of New Syringopeptins by Tandem Mass Spectrometry
- Mechanism of Water- and Oil-Repellency Behavior of Paper Prepared by Internal Addition of Fluorine-Containing Reagent
- Solid-state ^C-NMR analysis of size components in handsheets prepared by fatty acid soap size-alum systems
- Mechanism of size retention on handsheets prepared in rosin soap size-alum systems
- Studies on interactions between aluminum compounds and cellulosic fibers in water by means of ^AI-NMR
- Intrafiber distribution of aluminum components in alum-treated handsheets
- Adsorption behavior of aluminum compounds on pulp fibers at wet-end
- Identification of genes involved in induction of plant hypersensitive cell death
- Function of the rice gp91^ homologs OsrbohA and OsrbohE genes in ROS-dependent plant immune responses
- Resistance to Protoporphyrinogen Oxidase-inhibiting Compound S23142 from Overproduction of Mitochondrial Protoporphyrinogen Oxidase by Gene Amplification in Photomixotrophic Tobacco Cells(Organic Chemistry)
- DNA Laddering during Hypersensitive Cell Death in Cultured Rice Cells Induced by an Incompatible Strain of Pseudomonas avenae
- Purification and Properties of Protoporphyrinogen Oxidase from Spinach Chloroplasts
- Molecular characterization and subcellular localization of chloroplastic protoporphyrinogen oxidase in spinach
- Relationship between Polyploidy and Pollen Self-incompatibility Phenotype in Petunia hybrida Vilm
- Biochemical and Morphological Features of Rice Cell Death Induced by Pseudomonas avenae
- Identification of small RNAs in late developmental stage of rice anthers
- Comparative analysis of the S-intergenic region in class-II S haplotypes of self-incompatible Brassica rapa (syn. campestris)
- Anther-specific genes, which expressed through microsporogenesis, are temporally and spatially regulated in model legume, Lotus japonicus
- Cloning and expression pattern of a novel microspore-specific gene encoding hypersensitive-induced response protein (LjHIR1) from the model legume, Lotus japonicus
- Identification and molecular characterization of novel anther-specific genes in Oryza sativa L. by using cDNA microarray
- Generation of 919 expressed sequence tags from immature flower buds and gene expression analysis using expressed sequence tags in the model plant Lotus japonicus
- Photosynthetic Properties of Hybrids between Diplotaxis muralis DC, a C3 Species, and Moricandia arvensis(L. )DC, a C3-C4 Intermediate Species in Brassicaceae
- A-5 The assembly of plasmid DNA and chromatophore in Rhodospirillum rubrum
- Calcium Crystals in the Anther of Petunia : the Existence and Biological Significance in the Pollination Process
- Genomic Organization of the S-Locus Region of Brassica(Biochemistry & Molecular Biology)
- X-ray microanalysis of papillar cells and pollen grains in the pollination process in Brassica using a Variable-pressure scanning electron microscope
- Identification of pollen coat protein that interact with SLR1 in Brassica rapa
- Expression and developmental function of the 3-ketoacyl-ACP synthase2 gene in Arabidopsis thaliana
- Molecular characterization of two anther-specific genes encoding putative RNA-binding proteins, AtRBP45s, in Arabidopsis thaliana
- Duplicated SP11 genes produce alternative transcripts in the S^ haplotype of Brassica oleracea
- Recent Progresses on Self-incompatibility Research in Brassica Species
- Linear Dominance Relationship among Four Class-II S Haplotypes in Pollen is Determined by the Expression of SP11 in Brassica Self-Incompatibility
- Molecular Aspects of Self-Incompatibility in Brassica Species
- Homology-dependent suppression of stigma phenotype by an antisense S-locus glycoprotein (SLG) gene in Brassica rapa L.
- Molecular Biology of Self-incompatibility in Brassica Species
- Expression of SLG^9 and SRK^9 Genes in Transgenic Tobacco
- A New Method of Defense Response Analysis Using a Transient Expression System in Rice Protoplasts
- Alteration of the Self-incompatibility Phenotype in Brassica by Transformation of the Antisense SLG Gene
- The Sequences of S-Glycoproteins Involved in Self-incompatibility of Brassica campestris and Their Distribution among Brassicaceae
- The cDNA Sequence of NS_3-Glycoprotein from Brassica campestris and its Homology to Related Proteins
- Effects of Elevated Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide Concentration on Silica Deposition in Rice (Oryza sativa L.) Panicle(Crop Physiology & Ecology)
- Silica Distribution on the Husk Epidermis at Different Parts of the Panicle in Rice (Oryza sativa L.) Determined by X-ray Microanalysis
- Effect of Silver Nitrate on Shoot Regeneration and Agrobacterium-mediated Transformation of Turnip (Brassica rapa L. var. rapifera)
- A High Degree of Homology Exists between the Protein Encoded by SLG and the S Receptor Domain Encoded by SRK in Self-Inocompatible Brassica campestris L. : GENES STRUCTURE AND EXPRESSION : CELL-CELL INTERACTION
- Variations in and Inheritance of NS-Glycoprotein in Self-Incompatible Brassica campestris L.
- Existence of S-Glycoprotein-Like Proteins in Anthers of Self-Incompatible Species of Brassica
- Biosynthetic Relationship between Acutumine and Dechloroacutumine in Menispermum dauricum Root Cultures
- Visualization of multiple T-DNA loci by FISH on extended DNA fibers
- Molecular Characterization of a 313-kb Genomic Region Containing the Self-incompatibility Locus of Ipomoea trifida, a Diploid Relative of Sweet Potato
- Efficient Storage and Screening System for Onion BAC Clones
- BAC FISH analysis in Allium cepa
- Physical Arrangement of Retrotransposon-Related Repeats in Centromeric Regions of Wheat
- Identification and Chromosomal Location of Tandemly Repeated DNA Sequences in Allium cepa
- High Temperatures Cause Male Sterility in Rice Plants with Transcriptional Alterations During Pollen Development
- Separated Transcriptomes of Male Gametophyte and Tapetum in Rice : Validity of a Laser Microdissection (LM) Microarray
- Various Spatiotemporal Expression Profiles of Anther-Expressed Genes in Rice
- The SLGs corresponding to the same S^-haplotype are perfectly conserved in three different self-incompatible Brassica campestris L.
- The Sequences of S-Receptor Kinases (SRK) Involved in Self-incompatibility and Their Homologies to S-Locus Glycoproteins of Brassica campestris
- Retention behavior of size and aluminum components on handsheets in rosin-ester size/alum systems
- Roles of Aluminum Sulfate in Rosin Sizing
- Effect of Aluminum Sulfate Treatments on Sizing Behavior of Handsheets Prepared by Internal Addition of Diperfluoroalkylphosphate
- Characterization of CDC48 in Allium cepa
- Aflastatin A, a Novel Inhibitor of Aflatoxin Production by Aflatoxigenic Fungi
- UDP-Glucose Pyrophosphorylase is Rate Limiting in Vegetative and Reproductive Phases in Arabidopsis thaliana
- DNA methylation and histone modification in onion chromosomes
- A New Method of Defense Response Analysis Using a Transient Expression System in Rice Protoplasts
- Characterization of CDC48 in Allium cepa
- WS1-3 FISH analysis in plants with large chromosomes(Workshop 1: "From large chromosomes to small chromosomes: Wide varieties of the genome and chromosome sizes",Abstracts of the Joint Meeting: the 58th Annual Meeting of the Society of Chromosome Research
- Molecular mechanism for the recognition reaction in the self-incompatibility of Brassica species
- Direct interaction between S-locus receptor kinase and M-locus protein kinase involved in Brassica self-incompatibility signaling
- Molecular Cloning of Members of the S-Multigene Family in Self-Incompatible Brassica campestris L. : GENE STRUCTURE AND EXPRESSION : CELL-CELL INTERACTION
- Recent Progress in Plant Reproduction Research : The Story of the Male Gametophyte through to Successful Fertilization
- Retention behavior of alkenyl succinic anhydride size on handsheets
- Effect of Alkylketene Dimer Treatments on Water Repellency of Various Organic and Inorganic Materials
- Analyses of incinerated ash of paper sludge : comparison with incinerated ash of municipal solid waste
- The reason why the reactive chemical structure of alkenyl succinic anhydride is necessary for efficient paper sizing
- Enlargement of individual cellulose microfibrils in transgenic poplars overexpressing xyloglucanase
- Achievement of genetics in plant reproduction research : the past decade for the coming decade
- Morphological and gene expression analysis under cool temperature conditions in rice anther development
- Novel self-compatible lines of Brassica raga L. isolated from the Japanese bulk-populations
- DNA methylation and histone modification in onion chromosomes
- OryzaExpress : An Integrated Database of Gene Expression Networks and Omics Annotations in Rice
- Microstructure of a Brassica rapa genome segment homoeologous to the resistance gene cluster on Arabidopsis chromosome 4
- Molecular genetics, physiology and biology of self-incompatibility in Brassicaceae
- Localization of transgene-derived friabilins in rice endosperm cells