Expression and developmental function of the 3-ketoacyl-ACP synthase2 gene in Arabidopsis thaliana
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The 3-ketoacyl-ACP synthase (KAS) II is a fatty-acid-related enzyme which catalyzes the elongation of 16:0-acyl carrier protein (ACP) to 18:0-ACP in plastids. The fatty acid biosynthesis 1-1 (fab1-1) mutant of Arabidopsis thaliana is partially deficient in its activity of Arabidopsis thaliana 3-ketoacyl-ACP synthase 2 (AtKAS2), and its phenotype has been intensively studied in connection with the chilling resistance and fatty acid composition. In this study, we used the T-DNA insertion mutant of AtKAS2 to examine its possible role in plant development. Reverse transcription (RT)-PCR showed that the AtKAS2 gene was expressed in various plant organs, except for roots, and was highly expressed in siliques. The fusion of β-glucuronidase (GUS) to the AtKAS2 promoter demonstrated that the promoter was active in various tissues such as embryos, stomatal guard cells, inflorescences and pollen grains. We were not able to identify atkas2 homozygous mutant adult plants in heterozygous mutant progeny. Phenotypic and genetic analyses showed that disruption of the AtKAS2 by T-DNA insertion caused embryo lethality, and the development of the embryos was arrested at the globular stage. Taken together, our results suggest that AtKAS2 is required for embryo development in Arabidopsis during the transition from the globular to the heart stage.
- 日本遺伝学会の論文
- 2008-04-25
Watanabe M
Lab. Of Plant Reproductive Genetics Graduate School Of Life Sciences Tohoku Univ.
KAZAMA Tomohiko
Laboratory of Environmental Biotechnology, Graduate School of Agricultural Science, Tohoku Universit
渡辺 正勝
Takada Yoshinobu
Laboratory of Plant Reproductive Genetics, Graduate School of Life Sciences, Tohoku University
Suzuki Go
Division of Natural Science, Osaka Kyoiku University
Watanabe Masao
Laboratory of Plant Reproductive Genetics, Graduate School of Life Sciences, Tohoku University
Park J‐i
Graduate School Of Life Sciences Tohoku Univ.
Suzuki G
Div. Of Natural Sci. Osaka Kyoiku Univ.
Suzuki Go
Division Of Natural Science Osaka Kyoiku University
Endo Makoto
Lab. Of Biotechnology National Inst. Of Crop Sci.
Endo Makoto
Laboratory Of Fish Health Management Department Of Marine Biosciences Tokyo University Of Marine Sci
Laboratory of Biotechnology, National Institute of Crop Science
Suzuki G
Division Of Natural Science Osaka Kyoiku University
Laboratory of Plant Reproductive Genetics, Graduate School of Life Sciences, Tohoku University
PARK Jong-In
Laboratory of Plant Reproductive Genetics, Graduate School of Life Sciences, Tohoku University
TAKEDA Yoshimitsu
Laboratory of Plant Reproductive Genetics, Graduate School of Life Sciences, Tohoku University
Graduate School of Life Sciences, Tohoku University
Kakizaki Tomohiro
Laboratory Of Plant Reproductive Genetics Graduate School Of Life Sciences Tohoku University
Kazama Tomohiko
Laboratory Of Environmental Biotechnology Graduate School Of Agricultural Science Tohoku University
Takahata Yoshihito
Laboratory Of Plant Reproductive Genetics Graduate School Of Life Sciences Tohoku University
Takada Yoshinobu
Faculty Of Agriculture Iwate University
Takada Yoshinobu
Laboratory Of Plant Breeding Faculty Of Agriculture Iwate University
Kawagishi Kobayashi
Laboratory Of Biotechnology National Institute Of Crop Science
Endo Makoto
Laboratory Of Biotechnology National Institute Of Crop Science
Kazama Tomohiko
Graduate School Of Life Sciences Tohoku University
Endo M
Lab. Of Biotechnology National Inst. Of Crop Sci.
Watanabe Masao
Laboratory Of Plant Reproductive Genetics Graduate School Of Life Sciences Tohoku University
Hakozaki Hirokazu
Graduate School Of Life Sciences Tohoku University
ENDO Makoto
Faculty of Liberal Arts, Dokkyo University
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