Availability of genetically modified feed ingredient : investigations of ingested foreign DNA in rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss
- 論文の詳細を見る
- 2008-04-01
AOKI Takashi
Laboratory of Genome Science, Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology
Laboratory of Genome Science, Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology
Hirono Ikuo
Department Of Marine Biosciences Tokyo University Of Marine Science And Technology
Hirono Ikuo
Laboratory Of Genome Science Tokyo University Of Marine Science And Technology
Hirono Ikuo
Laboratory Of Genetics And Biochemistry Department Of Aquatic Biosciences Tokyo University Of Fisher
Satoh S
Laboratory Of Fish Nutrition Department Of Marine Biosciences Tokyo University Of Marine Sciences An
Chainark Pitchaya
Laboratory Of Fish Nutrition Department Of Marine Biosciences Tokyo University Of Marine Science And
Laboratory of Fish Nutrition, Department of Marine Biosciences, Tokyo University of Marine Sciences
Endo Makoto
Laboratory Of Fish Health Management Department Of Marine Biosciences Tokyo University Of Marine Sci
Satoh Shuichi
Second Department Of Internal Medicine Shimane Medical University
Sakai Shino
Second Department Of Internal Medicine Shimane Medical University
Endo Makoto
Laboratory Of Biotechnology National Institute Of Crop Science
Endo Makoto
Department Of Marine Biosciences Tokyo University Of Marine Science And Technology
Satoh Shuichi
Department Of Aquatic Biosciences Faculty Of Fisheries Tokyo University Of Fisheries
Aoki Takashi
Department Of Marine Biosciences Tokyo University Of Marine Science And Technology
Aoki Takashi
Laboratory Of Genome Science Tokyo University Of Marine Science And Technology
Satoh Shuichi
Laboratory Of Fish Nutrition Department Of Marine Biosciences Tokyo University Of Marine Science And
Aoki Takashi
Laboratory Of Genome Science Graduate School Of Marine Science And Technology Tokyo University Of Ma
Satoh Shuichi
Tokyo Univ. Marine Sci. & Technol. Tokyo Jpn
Aoki Takashi
Laboratory For Applied Polymer Chemistry Department Of Polymer Science And Engineering Kyoto Institu
Aoki Takashi
Lab. Of Genome Sci. Tokyo Univ. Of Marine Sci. And Technol.
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