Control by Ammonium Ion of the Change from Step-Up to Step-Down Photophobically Responding Cells in the Flagellate Alga Euglena gracilis
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The regulation between step-down and step-up photophobic responses, resulting in photoaccumulation of the cells in an actinic light trap or cells' avoidance from an excessive illumination, is crucially important for the survival of phototrophic organisms such as Euglena gracilis. As for the factors involved in this regulation in Euglena gracilis, we for the first time report here that ammonium ion specifically enhances step-down photophobic response, together with the effects of _L-methionine-_<DL>-sulfoximine (_L-MSO), an inhibitor of ammonium assimilation, to specifically enhance step-up photophobic response. The apparent positive correlation between the degree of greening and the step-down photophobic response did not seem to reflect real causal relationship in view of the results with effects of gabaculine, an inhibitor of δ-aminolaevulinic acid (δ-ALA) formation. The transmission of stigma and step-down appearance did not show any correlation either, in contrast to a previous assumption by other authors. Cycloheximide (CHX), an inhibitor of eukaryotic protein synthesis, suppressed step-down appearance and enhanced step-up appearance, probably suggesting an involvement of some (newly synthesized) protein(s) specifically in the step-down photosignal detection and/or signal transduction process(es).
- 日本植物生理学会の論文
WATANABE Masakatsu
National Institute of Basic Biology (NIBB)
渡辺 正勝
Matsunaga Shigeru
Institute of Biological Sciences, university of Tsukuba
Takahashi Tetsuo
Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology
Sugai Michizo
Department of Biology, Faculty of Science, Toyama University
Hori Terumitsu
Institute of Biological Sciences, University of Tsukuba
Sugai Michizo
Departmen T Of Biology Faculty Of Science Toyama University
Hori Terumitsu
Institute Of Biological Sciences University Of Tsukuba
Watanabe Masakatsu
Watanabe Masakatsu
Large Spectrograph Laboratory National Institute For Basic Biology
Watanabe Masakatsu
National Institute For Basic Biology
Takahashi Teruo
Department Of Organic And Polymeric Materials Tokyo Institute Of Technology
Takahashi Tetsuo
National Institute Of Advanced Industrial Science And Technology Power Electronics Research Center
Taguchi Tomohiro
Department Of Organic Materials Tokyo Institute Of Technology
Matsunaga Shigeru
Institute Of Biological Sciences University Of Tsukuba
Takahashi Toshiaki
Department Of Environment And Mutation Research Institute For Radiation Biology And Medicine Hiroshi
Takahashi T
Japan Advanced Institute Of Science And Technology
Takahashi T
Second Department Of Internal Medicine Hiroshima University School Of Medicine
Takahashi T
Department Of Pediatrics Akita University Graduate School Of Medicine
Takahashi Tsutomu
Department Of Energy Sciences The Graduate School At Nagatsuta Tokyo Institute Of Technology
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