Unique Recognition of Activin and Inhibin by Polyclonal Antibodies to Inhibin Subunits
- 論文の詳細を見る
- 1996-05-01
舟場 正幸
Department of Biochemistry Osaka University Medical School
Takahashi Motoko
大阪大学 医学系研究科生化学
Takahashi M
Department Of Biochemistry Sapporo Medical University School Of Medicine
Murata Eri
Torii Nutrient-stasis Project Erato R & D Corp. Of Japan
Fujimura Hisako
Torii Nutrient-stasis Project Erato R & D Corp. Of Japan
Department of Veterinary Physiology, Veterinary Medical Science, The University of Tokyo
ABE Matanobu
School of Veterinary Medicine, Azabu University
Torii Kunio
Torii Nutrient-stasis Project Erato R & D Corp. Of Japan
Abe Matanobu
School Of Veterinary Medicine Azabu University
Murata Takuya
Department Of Veterinary Physiology Veterinary Medical Science The University Of Tokyo
Torii Nutrient-stasis Project, Exploratory Research for Advanced Technology, Research Development Co
Torii Nutrient-stasis Project, Exploratory Research for Advanced Technology, Research Development Co
Murata Takuya
Torii Nutrient-stasis Project Erato R & D Corp. Of Japan
Takahashi Michio
Department Of Internal Medicine Kitasato University School Of Medicine
Takahashi Michio
Department Of Civil Engineering College Of Engineering Nihon University
Department of Chemical Engineering, University of Tokyo
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- The Chronologically Defined Developmental Process of Rat Preimplantation Embryos.
- Effect of Taurine in Rat Milk on the Growth of Offspring.
- Effect of Solid Feed on Water Balance in Suckling Calves Given Free Access to Water
- Involvement of Activin and Inhibin in the Regulation of Food and Water Intake in the Rat.
- Stability of chemical reaction in fluid catalytic reactors.
- Overexpression of the Aldose Reductase Gene Induces Apoptosis in Pancreatic .BETA.-Cells by Causing a Redox Imbalance.