Molecular Cloning and Characterization of the oprQ Gene Coding for Outer Membrane Protein OprE3 of Pseudomonas aeruginosa
- 論文の詳細を見る
- Center for Academic Pub. Japanの論文
- 1999-03-20
Department of Microbiology, Kyoto Pharmaceutical University
西野 朋子
Department Of Biochemistry And Department Of Molecular Biology Nippon Medical School
Nishino Takeshi
日本医科大学 医科生物科学
Nishino Takeshi
Department Of Biochemistry And Molecular Biology Nippon Medical School
Nishino T
Department Of Biochemistry And Engineering Faculty Of Engineering Tohoku University
Nishino Tokuzo
Dep. Of Biochemistry And Engineering Fac. Of Engineering Tohoku Univ.
Department of Physics, Tokyo Institute of Technology
Yamada Hiroshi
Department of Analytical Chemistry, Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Toho University
Okamoto K
Department Of Microbiology Kyoto Pharmaceutical University
Nakae Taiji
Department Of Molecular Life Science Tokai University School Of Medicine
Nakae Taiji
Department Of Molecular Life Sccience Tokai University School Of Medicine
Nakae Taiji
Department Of Molecular Life Science School Of Medicine Tokai University
Okamoto Kiyomi
Department Of Microbiology Kyoto Pharmaceutical University
GOTOH Naomasa
Department of Microbiology, Kyoto Pharmaceutical University
Nishino Takeshi
Department Of Microbiology Kyoto Pharmaceutical University
Okamoto Keinosuke
Department Of Protein Function Graduate School Of Medicine Dentistry And Pharmaceutical Sciences Oka
Okamoto Keinosuke
Graduate School Of Medicine Dentistry And Pharmaceutical Sciences Okayama University
Department of Microbiology, Kyoto Pharmaceutical University
Department of Molecular Life Science, School of Medicine, Tokai University
Gotoh Naomasa
京都薬科大学 微生物
Tsujimoto Hideto
Department Of Microbiology Kyoto Pharmaceutical University
Gotoh Naomasa
Department Of Microbiology And Infection Control Science Kyoto Pharmaceutical University
Okamoto Kiyomi
Department Of Applied Physics Faculty Of Science Tokyo Institute Of Technology
Yoshihara Eisaku
Dep. Of Molecular Life Sci. Tokai Univ. School Of Medicine
Yoshihara Eisaku
Department Of Molecular Life Science Tokai University School Of Medicine
Yamada Hiroshi
Department Of Microbiology Kyoto Pharmaceutical University
Department of Microbiology, Keio University School of Medicine
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