小田 泰子 | Kyoritsu College of Pharmacy
小田 泰子
Kyoritsu College of Pharmacy
佐藤 良博
佐藤 良博
Kyoritsu College of Pharmacy
佐藤 良博
斉藤 肇
Biophysics Division National Cancer Center Research Institute
小田 泰子
榊原 由美子
Kyoritsu College of Pharmacy
斉藤 肇
斉藤 肇
国立がんセンター研究所 生物物理部
佐藤 美洋
Sato Y
Osaka Prefecture University
Sato Y
(present Address)tsukuba Research Institute Banyu Pharmaceutical Co. Ltd.
佐藤 嘉信
Department Of Chemical Engineering University Of Osaka Prefecture
浦野 四郎
浦野 四郎
浦野 四郎
National Canser Research Institute
畠 忠
Analytical and Metabolic Research Laboratories, Sankyo Co., Ltd.,
綿貫 充
Kyoritsu College of Pharmacy
畠 忠
Analytical And Metabolic Research Laboratories Sankyo Co. Ltd.
稲森 善彦
Osaka University of Pharmaceutical Sciences
辻坊 裕
Osaka University of Pharmaceutical Sciences
佐藤 義朗
Kyoritsu College Of Pharmacy
半沢 宏之
Analytical and Metabolic Research Laboratories, Sankyo Co., Ltd.,
飯高 洋一
Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, The University of Tokyo
山口 裕子
Research Laboratories Yoshitomi Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd.
金子 元久
鈴木 和夫
School Of Pharmaceutical Science Kitasato University
松橋 通生
Institute Of Aapplied Microbiology The University Of Tokyo
功刀 正行
National Institute For Environmental Studies
安河内 幸雄
Medical Research Institute Tokyo Medical And Dental University
村井 知子
Kyoritsu College Of Pharmacy
鈴木 和夫
National Institute for Environmental Studies
半沢 宏之
Analytical And Metabolic Research Laboratories Sankyo Co. Ltd.
北嶋 繁孝
Medical Research Institute Tokyo Medical And Dental University
飯高 洋一
School Of Medicine Teikyo University
児玉 晶彦
Biophysics Division, National Cancer Center Research Institute
佐藤 良博
Tokyo Metopolitan Institute of Geronotology
小田 泰子
Tokyo Metopolitan Institute of Geronotology
浦野 四郎
Tokyo Metopolitan Institute of Geronotology
斉藤 肇
National Cancer Research Institute
佐藤 良博
小田 泰子
National Canser Research Institute
関 敏子
平田 愛子
Institute Of Aapplied Microbiology The University Of Tokyo
児玉 昌彦
Biophysics Division National Cancer Center Research Institute
辻坊 裕
井上 淳子
Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Hokkaido University
井上 淳子
Kyoritsu College of Pharmacy
岩間 正典
Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, University of Tokyo
中村 涼美
Kyoritsu College of Pharmacy
金子 元久
Biophysics Division, National Cancer Center Research Institute
斉藤 泉
Kyoritsu College of Pharmacy
会津-横田 恵理子
Kyoritsu College of Pharmacy
一ノ関 謙
Kyoritsu College of Pharmacy
榊原 由美子
Biochemistry Divition, Kyoritsu College of Pharmacy
小田 泰子
Biochemistry Divition, Kyoritsu College of Pharmacy
佐藤 良博
Biochemistry Divition, Kyoritsu College of Pharmacy
山口 裕子
Kyoritsu College of Pharmacy
岩間 正典
Faculty Of Pharmaceutical Sciences University Of Tokyo
横田-会津 恵理子
Kyoritsu College of Pharmacy
北岡 政弘
Kyoritsu College of Pharmacy
橋本 文江
Kyoritsu College of Pharmacy
児玉 晶彦
Biophysics Division National Cancer Center Research Institute
井上 淳子
Faculty Of Pharmaceutical Sciences Hokkaido University
佐藤 留美子
Kyoritsu College Of Pharmacy
金子 元久
Biophysics Division National Cancer Center Research Institute
飯高 洋一
Faculty Of Pharmaceutical Sciences The University Of Tokyo
末吉 裕美子
Kyoritsu College of Pharmacy
広田 薫子
Kyoritsu College of Pharmacy
網代 順子
- Effects of (+)-, (-)- and (±)-Indenestrols A and B on Microtubule Polymerization
- Microbial Transformation of (+)- and (-)-Dehydrogriseofulvin by Streptomyces Species Analyzed by 2H Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy
- (+)-Dehydrogriseofulvin の Streptomyces cinereocrocatus による微生物変換機構
- Evidence of Intercalation of trans-Diethylstillbestrol and Its Methyl Ether Derivatives in Multibilayers of Egg Phosphatidylcholine by High-Power Deuterium Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (^2H-NMR) Spectroscopy
- Microbial Transformation of (+)-and (-)-Dehydrogriseofulvin by Streptomyces Species Analyzed by ^2H Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy
- 27 (-)-および(+)-DehydrogriseofulvinのStreptomyces Speciesによる微生物変換
- Biosynthesis of Griseofulvin : Further ^C and ^2H NMR Studies
- ^2H NMR の生合成研究への応用
- An Application of ^2H Nuclear Magnetic Resonance for the Biosynthetic Studies of Griseofulvin
- 1 Griseofulvin生合成研究における^2H nmrの利用
- グリセオフルビン生合成およびグリセオフルビン誘導体の微生物変換における^2H NMR の利用
- 56 Griseofulvinの生合成研究
- Stereochemistry of Microbial Hydrogenation of (-)-α-Santonin to (+)-1,2-Dihydro-α-santonin by Streptomyces cinereocrocatus NRRL 3443
- Structure of (+)-Epigriseofulvin
- Inhibition of DNA of Topoisomerase I Activity by Diethylstilbestrol and Its Analogues
- Effects of Some Diethylstilbestrol Metabolites and Analogs on Cytotoxicity and Aneuploidy Induction in Chinese Hamster V79 Cells
- Effects of 3,3'-dihydroxy-α, β-diethylstilbene and 3,3', 4,5'-Tetrahydroxystilbene on Microtubule Assembly in Vitro, Aneuploidy Induction, and Cellular Microtubule and Actin Networks
- Effect of Estradiol and Ethynylestradiol on Microtubule Distribution in Chinese Hamster V79 Cells
- Effect of meso-Hexestrol, a Synthetic Estrogen, on S-Tubulin
- Dienone-Phenol Rearrangement of (+)-2'-Demethoxydehydrogriseofulvin into a 4-Methylxanthone Derivative
- Relationship between Cytotoxic and Microtubule Disruptive Activities of (+)-, (-)-and (±)-Indenestrol A and B Monomethyl Ethers in Chinese Hamster V79 Cells in Culture
- Preparation of Monomethyl Ether Derivatives of (+)-, (-)- and (±)-Indenestrols A and B
- Optically Active trans-Diethylstilbestrol Oxide Monomethyl Ether
- Inhibition of Transcription by Mammalian Ribouncleic Acid Polymerase II : Effects of Diethylstilbestrol and Its Analogues
- Regio- and Stereoselective Hydrogenation of 2'-Demethoxy-2'-methyldehydrogriseofulvin, a Symmetrical Substrate, to (+)-2'-Demethoxy-2'-methylgriseofulvin with a Cell-Free System of Streptomyces cinereocrocatus
- Carbon-13 Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Study of meso-Hexestrol and Its Derivatives
- The Hydrogenation of α-Hydroxymethylene-ketone Derivatives to α-Hydroxymethyl-ketone Derivatives with a Cell-Free System of Streptomyces cinereocrocatus
- Stereochemistry of Transformation of 5'-Formylgriseofulvin to 5'α-Hydroxymethylgriseofulvin with a Cell-Free System of Streptomyces cinereocrocatus
- Stereospecific Incorporation of Hydrogen from Reduced Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide Phosphate in Hydrogenation of (-)-Dehydrogriseofulvin to (+)-Griseofulvin by a Partially Purified Enzyme System of Streptomyces cinereocrocatus
- 85 Streptomyces cinereocrocatusの無細胞系による(-)-Dehydrogriseofulvinの(+)-Griseofulvinへの還元の立体化学 : NADPHの水素の立体特異的取り込み
- Stereochemistry of Hydrogenation of (-)-Dehydrogriseofulvin to (+)-Griseofulvin with a Cell-Free System of Streptomyces cinereocrocatus
- Stereochemistry of Microbial Transformation of (+)- and (-)-2'-Demethoxydehydrogriseofulvin by Streptomyces cinereocrocatus
- Microbial Transformation of (+)- and (-)-2'-Demethoxydehydrogriseofulvin by Streptomyces cinereocrocatus
- Stereochemistry of Microbial Transformation of (+)-and (-)-2'-Demethoxydehydrogriseofulvin by Streptomyces cinereocrocatus
- Formation of Unnatural Griseofulvin Analogue by Penicillium Urticae
- 21 Griseofulvinの生合成研究 : 非天然の化合物を基質とした研究
- P. urticae によるグリセオフルビンの 2' 位プロポキシ同族体の生合成的生成
- Biosynthetic Studies of Griseofulvin : Experiments using Unnatural Compounds as Substrates
- 31 (+)-および(-)-2'-DemethoxydehydrogriseofulvinのStreptomyces cinereocrocatusによる微生物変換の立体化学
- (-)- および (+)-Dehydrogriseofulvin の Streptomyces Species による微生物変換
- ^2H- または ^C-Acetate を前駆体とした Griseofulvin 生合成研究におけるマススペクトルの利用
- Penicillum urticae による Griseofulvin の生合成(その 4)