Sakamoto Koji | Hiroshima Prefectural Technol. Res. Inst. Hiroshima Jpn
Sakamoto Koji
Hiroshima Prefectural Technol. Res. Inst. Hiroshima Jpn
Hiroshima Prefectural Technology Research Institute, Food Technology Research Center
Sakamoto Koji
Hiroshima Prefectural Food Technology Research Center
Department of Bioscience and Biotechnology, Faculty of Agriculture, Kyushu University
下田 満哉
Sakamoto K
Hiroshima Prefectural Technol. Res. Inst. Food Technol. Res. Center
Shimoda Mitsuya
Department Of Bioscience And Biotechnology Faculty Of Agriculture Kyushu University
下田 満哉
Shimoda Mitsuya
Laboratory Of Food Process Engineering Division Of Bioresource And Bioenvironmental Sciences Graduat
下田 満哉
- Inactivation of L. fructivorans in Sake Using a Continuous Flow System for High-Pressure Carbonation
- Inactivation of Enzymes in Fresh Sake Using a Continuous Flow System for High-Pressure Carbonation
- Differential Recovery of Terpene Hydrocarbons and Oxygenated Compounds from Condensates Containing Essential Oil Discharged during Concentration of Citrus Juices Using a Ceramic Membrane
- S-Methylmethionine Sulfonium in Fruits of Citrus Hybrids
- Flavonoid Composition of Fruit Tissues of Citrus Species
- Inactivation of Enzymes in Namazake Using Micro-bubble Supercritical Carbon Dioxide
- Deodorizing Effect of Coriander on the Offensive Odor of the Porcine Large Intestine
- Effects of Freezing Conditions on Enzyme Impregnation into Food Materials by Freeze-Thaw Infusion
- Enzymatic Production of Malto-oligosaccharide in Potato by Freeze-Thaw Infusion
- Decreased Hardness of Dietary Fiber-Rich Foods by the Enzyme-Infusion Method