Arakawa M | Sophia Univ. Tokyo
Arakawa Masanori
Department of Physics, Nagoya Institute of Technology
Arakawa M
Sophia Univ. Tokyo
Arakawa Mitsuyoshi
Department Of Physics Sophia University
Arakawa Masanori
Department Of Physics Faculty Of Science Nagoya University
竹内 秀夫
Department Of Information Electronics School Of Engineering Nagoya University
Tamai H
Japan Atomic Energy Research Inst. Ibaraki Jpn
Takeuchi Hideo
Department of Information Electronics, School of Engineering, Nagoya University
Takeuchi Hideo
Department Of Applied Physics Faculty Of Engineering Osaka City University
Tamai Hiroshi
Department Of Fusion Plasma Research Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute
Takeuchi Hiroshi
Division Of Thermonuclear Fusion Research Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute Tokai Establishment
EBISU Hiroshi
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Nagoya Institute of Technology
Ebisu H
Department Of Physics Nagoya Institute Of Technology
Ebisu Hiroshi
Department Of Electrical And Computer Engineering Nagoya Institute Of Technology
HORAI Kazumi
Department of Applied Physics, Faculty of Science, Fukuoka University
Horai K
Department Of Applied Physics Faculty Of Science Fukuoka University
Horai Kazumi
Department Od Applled Ohysias Facully Of Science
Aoki Hiroaki
Department Of Liberal Arts And Sciences Chubu University
Aoki Hideo
Department Of Physics University Of Tokyo
Aoki H
Department Of Physics Tohoku University
Aoki Hidekazu
Physics Department Graduate School Of Science Tohoku University
Aoki Hidekazu
Department Of Physics Tohoku University
Aoki Hidekazu
Max-planck-institut Fur Chemische Physik Fester Stoffe
Yosida Taturu
Low Teperature Center Osaka University
AOKI Hideo
Department of Physics, University of Tokyo
Aoki H
Center For Low Temperature Science Tohoku University
Aoki Hidekazu
Physics Department Tohoku University
Yosida Taturu
Low Temperature Center Osaka University
Low Temperature Center,Osaka University
Hirose Toshikazu
Department of Physics, College of Liberal Arts, Kagoshima University
Hirose T
Department Of Physics College Of Liberal Arts Kagoshima University
Hirose Toshikazu
Department Of Physics College Of Liberal Arts Kagoshima University
Kawaminami M
Department Of Physics Faculty Of Science Kagoshima University
Kawaminami Masaru
Department Of Physics College Of Liberal Arts Kagoshima University
EBISU Hiroshi
Nagoya Institute of Technology
Nagoya University
ARAKAWA Masanori
Nagoya Institute of Technology
Department of Physics, Faculty of Science, Osaka University
Yosida Taturu
Department Of Physics Faculty Of Science Osaka University:low Temperature Center Osaka University
Kawaminami Masaru
Department of Physics, College of Liberal Arts, Kagoshima University
Obara Kozo
Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Kagoshima University
Obara K
Department Of Electrical And Electronics Engineering Faculty Of Engineering Kagoshima University
Obara Kozo
Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Kagoshima University, Korimoto 1-21-40, Kagoshima 890, Japan
- EPR,^F-ENDOR and^Mn-ENDOR of Mn^ Impurity Center in MgF_2 Single Crystal
- EPR Study of Monoclinic Centres in CsCdF_3 and CsCaF_3 Co-Doped with Gd^ and Na^+ Ions
- EPR Study of Tetragonal and Orthorhombic Fe^ Centres in Rb_2CdF_4 Crystals
- Evidence of Structural Phase Transition in K_2CdF_4 Derived from EPR Measurements for Cr^ Centres
- Host Lattice Effects in the EPR Spectra of Cr^-Li^+ and Cr^-V_ Centres in A_2MgF_4 (A=K,Rb) Crystals
- Electron Paramagnetic Resonance of Gd^ Centres in Rb_2CdF_4 and Cs_2CdF_4 Crystals
- EPR Study of Fe^-V_and Fe^-Li^+Centres in RbCdF_3 and CsCdF_3 Crystals
- EPR Study of Cr^Centres in Rb_ZnF_ Rb_2CdF_4 and Cs_2CdF_4 Crstals
- EPR Study of Gd^-V_m and Gd^-Li^+ Centres in Several Perovskite Fluorides
- Thermal Anomalies in Bi_2WO_6 and EPR of Doped Gd^ Ions
- EPR Study of Local Position for Fe^ in Layer Oxide Bi_2WO_6
- EPR and ^F-ENDOR of Cr^ Impurity Centres in K_2ZnF_4 and K_2MgF_4
- Electron Paramagnetic Resonance of Gd^ Centres in Several Perovskite Fluorides
- EPR of Several Iron-Group Impurities in LiBaF_3 Having Inverse Perovskite Structure
- An Investigation of V^ Impurity Center in KMgF_3 and KZnF_3 by ^V-ENDOR Measurements
- Evidence for Fluorine Distortion in KCdF_3 Doped with Mn^ Derived from Ligand Fluorine ENDOR Measurement
- EPR Study of V^ Ions in Tungsten Trioxide WO_3
- ENDOR Investigations on Hyperfine Interactions in CsCaF_3 Doped with Mn^