Efficient Ex Vivo Generation of Human Dendritic Cells from Mobilized CD34^+ Peripheral Blood Progenitors
西井 一浩
三重大学医学部 血液・腫瘍内科学
西井 一浩
西井 一浩
SHIKU Hiroshi
Second Department of Internal Medicine, Mie University School of Medicine
Hosokai Noboru
Mitsubishi Kagaku Bio‐clinical Lab. Inc Tokyo Jpn
Hosokai Noboru
Mitsubishi Kagaku Bio-clinical Laboratories Inc
NISHII Kazuhiro
Second Department of Internal Medicine, Mie University School of Medicine
Second Department of Internal Medicine, Mie University School of Medicine
Second Department of Internal Medicine, Mie University School of Medicine
Second Department of Internal Medicine, Mie University School of Medicine
Katayama Naoyuki
Mie Univ. Graduate School Of Medicine Tsu Jpn
Katayama N
Division Of Hematology And Oncology Mie University School Of Medicine
Nishii Kazuhiro
三重大学 医学部血液腫瘍科
Nishii K
Division Of Hematology And Oncology Mie University School Of Medicine
Nishii Kazuhiro
Department Of Hematology And Oncology Mie University School Of Medicine
Suzuki H
Department Of Hematology And Oncology Mie University Graduate School Of Medicine
Shiku Hiroshi
三重大学 医学系研究科遺伝子・免疫細胞治療学
Shiku Hiroshi
三重大学 医学系研究科血液内科
Shiku Hiroshi
三重大学 医学系研究科造血病態内科学
Ohishi Kohshi
三重大学 医学系研究科血液・腫瘍内科学
Ohishi Kohshi
Department Of Hematology And Oncology Mie University Graduate School Of Medicine
Ohishi Kohshi
Second Department Of Internal Medicine Mie University School Of Medicine
Mitani H
Second Department Of Internal Medicine Mie University School Of Medicine
Mitani Hidetsugu
Second Department Of Internal Medicine Mie University School Of Medicine
SHIKU Hiroshi
Department of Hematology and Oncology, Mie University Graduate School of Medicine
MINAMI Nobuyuki
Internal Medicine, Mie Prefectural Ichishi Hospital
MASUYA Masahiro
Second Department of Internal Medicine, Mie Uneversity School of Medicine
Second Department of Internal Medicine, Mie Uneversity School of Medicine
ARAKI Hiroto
Second Department of Internal Medicine, Mie Uneversity School of Medicine
SUZUKI Hirohito
Second Department of Internal Medicine, Mie Uneversity School of Medicine
MINAMI Nobuyuki
Blood Transfusion Service, Mie University Hospital
KAGEYAMA Shin-ichi
Second Department of Internal Medicine, Mie University School of Medicine
Masuya Masahiro
三重大学 医学系研究科血液・腫瘍内科学
Masuya Masahiro
Blood Transfusion Service Mie University Hospital
Masuya Masahiro
The Second Department Of Internal Medicine Mie University School Of Medicine
Masuya Masahiro
三重大学 第2内科
Minami N
Internal Medicine Mie Prefectural Ichishi Hospital
Minami Nobuyuki
三重大学 第2内科
Hoshino Natsuki
Second Department Of Internal Medicine Mie University School Of Medicine
Kageyama Shinichi
三重大学 医学系研究科遺伝子・免疫細胞治療学
Kageyama S
Department Of Second Internal Medicine Mie University School Of Medicine
Kageyama Shin-ichi
三重大学 第2内科
Araki Hiroto
三重大学 第2内科
Araki Hiroto
Second Department Of Internal Medicine Mie University School Of Medicine
Araki H
Mie Univ. School Of Medicine Jpn
Araki Hirohito
三重大学 第2内科
Suzuki Hirohito
三重大学 第2内科
Matsuda Hiroaki
Second Department Of Internal Medicine Mie University School Of Medicine
Miwa Hiroshi
三重大学 第2内科
Shiku H
Department Of Internal Medicine Faculty Of Medicine Mie University
Shiku Hiroshi
The Department Of Oncology Nagasaki University School Of Medicine
Shiku Hiroshi
Second Department Of Internal Medicine Mie University School Of Medicine
Katayama Naoyuki
Division Of Hematology And Oncology Mie University School Of Medicine
Katayama Naoyuki
Department Of Hematology Mie University Graduate School Of Medicine
Kageyama Shinici
Second Department Of Internal Medicine Mie University School Of Medicine
Nishii Kazuhiro
Second Department Of Internal Medicine Mie University School Of Medicine
Minami Nobuyuki
Internal Medicine Mie Prefectural Ichishi Hospital
Miyashita Hiroyuki
Second Department Of Internal Medicine Mie University School Of Medicine
Katayama Naoyuki
Second Department Of Internal Medicine Mie University School Of Medicine
- Brazilian Natural Medicines. III. Structures of Triterpene Oligoglycosides and Lipase Inhibitors from Mate, Leaves of Ilex paraguariensis
- Medicinal Flowers. XXVI. Structures of Acylated Oleanane-Type Triterpene Oligoglycosides, Yuchasaponins A, B, C, and D, from the Flower Buds of Camellia oleifera : Gastroprotective, Aldose Reductase Inhibitory, and Radical Scavenging Effects
- タイ産Salacia chinensisの生物活性 : α-グルコシダーゼ阻害活性を指標とした品質評価
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- Hydroxychavicol : a potent xanthine oxidase inhibitor obtained from the leaves of betel, Piper betle
- Histamine Release Inhibitory Activity of Piper nigrum Leaf(Pharmacognosy)
- 茶花(チャ,Camellia sinensis,花蕾部)の機能性サポニン : Floratheasaponin類の胃保護作用と血糖値上昇抑制作用及びHPLCを用いた定性及び定量分析
- 骨髄抑制遷延時の侵襲性肺アスペルギルス症に対して G-CSF と M-CSF の併用が有効であった低形成白血病
- P-495 多発性骨髄腫患者におけるサリドマイド適正使用の取り組み(3.医薬品適正使用5,医療薬学の未来へ翔(はばた)く-薬剤師の薬剤業務・教育・研究への能動的関わり-)
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- Medicinal Flowers. XXVII : New Flavanone and Chalcone Glycosides, Arenariumosides I, II, III, and IV, and Tumor Necrosis Factor-α Inhibitors from Everlasting, Flowers of Helichrysum arenarium
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- Medicinal Flowers. XXIV. Chemical Structures and Hepatoprotective Effects of Constituents from Flowers of Hedychium coronarium
- Bioactive Constituents from Chinese Natural Medicines. XXXII : Aminopeptidase N and Aldose Reductase Inhibitors from Sinocrassula indica: Structures of Sinocrassosides B_4, B_5, C_1, and D_1-D_3
- Medicinal Foodstuffs. XXXIV. : Structures of New Prenylchalcones and Prenylflavanones with TNF-α and Aminopeptidase N Inhibitory Activities from Boesenbergia rotunda
- C-17 カンカニクジュヨウ(Cistanche tubulosa)の肝保護作用成分(女性医学・肝,一般演題口演,第24回和漢医薬学会大会 和漢薬の複雑さ-経験知と科学知-)
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- The Soluble Notch Ligand, Jagged-1, Inhibits Proliferation of CD34^+ Macrophage Progenitors
- Two Independent Clones in Myelodysplastic Syndrome Following Treatment of Acute Myeloid Leukemia
- Efficient Ex Vivo Generation of Human Dendritic Cells from Mobilized CD34^+ Peripheral Blood Progenitors
- Evaluation of CD34+ Cells and Colony-Forming Cells in Peripheral Blood Stem Cell Harvest Products
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- Hypermethylation of death-associated protein (DAP) kinase CpG island is frequent not only in B-cell but also in T-and natural killer (NK)/T-cell malignancies
- Quality of Angelica acutiloba roots cultivated and processed in Sichuan province of China
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- Anti-allergic effect of a combination of Citrus unshiu unripe fruits extract and prednisolone on picryl chloride-induced contact dermatitis in mice
- Expression profiling analysis of the CD5^+ diffuse large B-cell lymphoma subgroup : Development of a CD5 signature
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- 01P2-100 多発性骨髄腫の入院・外来患者におけるサリドマイド副作用モニタリングシートの活用(服薬指導(入院・外来),医療薬学の扉は開かれた)
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- Expression of CD44 Variant Exons 8-10 in Gastric Cancer
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- CD8^+CD122^+ regulatory T cells recognize activated T cells via conventional MHC class I-αβTCR interaction and become IL-10-producing active regulatory cells
- A case of T-lineage lymphoblastic lymphoma/leukemia with t(4;11)(q21;p15) that switched to myelomonocytic leukemia at relapse
- Sesquiterpenes from Curcuma comosa
- Structures of New Sesquiterpenes from Curcuma comosa
- P-36 甘茶成分thunberginol類の合成と抗アレルギー活性 : 構造活性相関および作用様式(ポスター発表の部)
- B-14 良姜のメラニン生成抑制活性成分(薬物代謝・天然物化学,一般演題口演,第24回和漢医薬学会大会 和漢薬の複雑さ-経験知と科学知-)
- P-30 チャ(Camellia sinensis)およびツバキ(C. japonica)花部,種子および葉部の生体機能性サポニン(ポスター発表の部)
- ファラオ天然薬物から生体機能分子の開拓 (第16回 天然薬物の開発と応用シンポジウム講演要旨集) -- (シンポジウム3 医薬シーズ開発を志向した植物成分研究の新展開)
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- 西洋ハーブに脂質吸収抑制成分を探る--ローレル,アーティチョーク,セイジ (第14回天然薬物の開発と応用シンポジウム 講演要旨集) -- (シンポジウム-1 天然薬物の機能性食品への応用)
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- γδ T-cell lymphma a clinicopathologi study of 6 cases including extrahepatosplenic type
- Frequent expression of human Thy-1 antigen on pre-B cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia with t(9;22)
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- マウス, 人B前駆細胞におけるapoptosis関連遺伝子の発現とその意義について
- 急性白血病細胞におけるc-kit遺伝子発現について
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- Post-transplant plasmacytoma without Epstein-Barr virus infection occurring rapidly after unrelated allogeneic bone marrow transplantation
- High-dose Chemotherapy using Cyclophosphamide, Thiotepa and Carboplatin with Peripheral Blood Stem Cell Tramsplantation forMetastatic and Advanced Breast Cancer : Feasibility for Japanese Women
- Chemical Constituents from Seeds of Panax ginseng : Structure of New Dammarane-Type Triterpene Ketone, Panaxadione, and HPLC Comparisons of Seeds and Flesh
- Bioactive Constituents from Chinese Natural Medicines. XXXIII : Inhibitors from the Seeds of Psoralea corylifolia on Production of Nitric Oxide in Lipopolysaccharide-Activated Macrophages(Pharmacognosy)
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- Medicinal Flowers. XXII Structures of Chakasaponins V and VI, Chakanoside I, and Chakaflavonoside A from Flower Buds of Chinese Tea Plant (Camellia sinensis)
- Synthesis of 3-Substituted Isocoumarins and Their Inhibitory Effects on Degranulation of RBL-2H3 Cells Induced by Antigen
- New Triterpene Constituents, Foliasalacins A_1-A_4, B_1-B_3, and C, from the Leaves of Salacia chinensis
- Highly Increased Plasma Concentrations of the Nicked Form of β_2 Glycoprotein I in Patients with Leukemia and with Lupus Anticoagulant: Measurement with a Monoclonal Antibody Specific for a Nicked Form of Domain V
- High-intensity signals in the basal ganglia from gadolinium-enhanced T1-weighted MRI as an early change in toxoplasma encephalitis in an AIDS patient
- 大良姜(Alpina galanga, 根茎)から新規抗アレルギー・抗炎症作用成分の開発 (第15回天然薬物の開発と応用シンポジウム講演要旨集) -- (一般講演)
- The Structure of Glassy Carbon
- 薬用食品から抗糖尿病作用成分の開拓に挑む
- Glucocorticoid-induced tumor necrosis factor receptor stimulation enhances the multifunctionality of adoptively transferred tumor antigen-specific CD8^+ T cells with tumor regression
- Studies on Rehmanniae Radix. V. 5-Hydroxymethyl-2-furaldehyde, Active Constituent of the Steamed Root of Rehmannia glutinosa Having Increasing Activity of Erythrocyte Deformability in Rats
- Elevated Von Willebrand factor propeptide for the diagnosis of thrombotic microangiopathy and for predicting a poor outcome
- New terpenoids, olibanumols D-G, from traditional Egyptian medicine olibanum, the gum-resin of Boswellia carterii
- Medicinal Flowers (33) Anti-hyperlipidemic and Anti-hyperglycemic Effects of Chakasaponins ?-? and Structure of Chakasaponin ? from Flower Buds of Chinese Tea Plant (Camellia sinensis)